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Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous
Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous

JavaScript plays a key role in modern software development, not only because it is the only language that runs inside virtually all web browsers, but also because it has become widely used for back-end and general-purpose development as well. Although JavaScript is a big language, you don't need to learn "everything" about it to get started, just how to use it efficiently to solve real problems. In Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous, renowned instructor Michael Hartl teaches the specific concepts, skills, and approaches you need to be professionally productive. Even if you've never programmed before, Hartl helps you quickly build technical sophistication and master the lore you need to succeed. Treating JavaScript as a general-purpose language right from the start, Hartl offers examples for creating dynamic effects in browsers and for writing scripts and modules using Node.js. Focused exercises help you internalize what matters, without wasting time on details pros don't care a ...
Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous
Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous

Three of the core tools needed for modern software development are the Unix command line, a text editor, and version control with Git. But you don't need to learn "everything" about them, just how to use them efficiently to solve real problems. In Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous, renowned instructor Michael Hartl teaches the specific concepts, skills, and approaches you need so you can learn to write apps, get hired, collaborate, and maybe even launch your own company. Even if you've never used (or even heard of) these tools before, Hartl helps you quickly build technical sophistication and master the lore you need to succeed. Focused exercises help you internalize what matters, without wasting time on details pros don't care about. Soon, it'll be like you were born knowing this stuff-and youll be suddenly, seriously dangerous. Learn enough about: Running a terminal, entering and editing commands, and using man pages; Manipulating and inspecting files: from basic cop ...
Even You Can Learn Statistics and Analytics, 4th Edition
Even You Can Learn Statistics and Analytics, 4th Edition

This book discusses statistics and analytics using plain language and avoiding mathematical jargon. If you thought you couldnt learn these data analysis subjects because they were too technical or too mathematical, this book is for you! This edition delivers more everyday examples and end-of-chapter exercises and contains updated instructions for using Microsoft Excel. Youll use downloadable data sets and spreadsheet solutions, template-based solutions you can put right to work. Using this book, you will understand the important concepts of statistics and analytics, including learning the basic vocabulary of these subjects. Create tabular and visual summaries and learn to avoid common charting errors; Gain experience working with common descriptive statistics measures including the mean, median, and mode; and standard deviation and variance, among others; Understand the probability concepts that underlie inferential statistics; Learn how to apply hypothesis tests, using Z, t, chi ...
A Network Architect's Guide to 5G
A Network Architect's Guide to 5G

As 5G transforms mobile usage and services, network professionals will need to significantly evolve their transport network architectures towards greater sophistication and stronger integration with radio networks, and facilitate transition towards cloud-native 5G mobile core. Until now, however, most 5G guides have foregrounded RF/radio and mobile core innovations, not its implications for data networks. A Network Architects Guide to 5G fills the gap, giving network architects, designers, and engineers essential knowledge for designing and planning their own 5G networks. Drawing on decades of experience with global service providers and enterprise networks, the authors illuminate new and evolving network technologies necessary for building 5G-capable networks, such as segment routing, network slicing, timing and synchronization, edge computing, distributed data centers, integration with public cloud, and more. They explain how 5G blurs boundaries between mobile core, radio access, ...
C++ Core Guidelines Explained
C++ Core Guidelines Explained

The official C++ Core Guidelines provide consistent best practices for writing outstanding modern C++ code and improving legacy code, but they're organized as a reference for looking up one specific point at a time, not as a tutorial for working developers. In C++ Core Guidelines Explained, expert C++ instructor Rainer Grimm has distilled them to their essence, removing esoterica, sharing new insights and context, and presenting well-tested examples from his own training courses. Grimm helps experienced C++ programmers use the Core Guidelines with any recent version of the language, from C++11 onward. Most of his code examples are written for C++17, with added coverage of newer versions and C++20 wherever appropriate, and references to the official C++ Core Guidelines online. Whether you're creating new software or improving legacy code, Grimm will help you get more value from the Core Guidelines' most useful rules, as you write code that's safer, clearer, more efficient, and eas ...
Embracing Modern C++ Safely
Embracing Modern C++ Safely

Embracing Modern C++ Safely shows you how to make effective use of the new and enhanced language features of modern C++ without falling victim to their potential pitfalls. Based on their years of experience with large, mission-critical projects, four leading C++ authorities divide C++11/14 language features into three categories: Safe, Conditionally Safe, and Unsafe. Safe features offer compelling value, are easy to use productively, and are relatively difficult to misuse. Conditionally Safe features offer significant value but come with risks that require significant expertise and familiarity before use. Unsafe features have an especially poor risk/reward ratio, are easy to misuse, and are beneficial in only the most specialized circumstances. This book distills the C++ community's years of experience applying C++11 and C++14 features and will help you make effective and safe design decisions that reflect real-world, economic engineering tradeoffs in large-scale, diverse softwar ...
The Professional Agile Leader
The Professional Agile Leader

To leverage the immense opportunities associated with accelerating change, organizations need teams capable of trying new ideas quickly, learning from their experiences, and adapting based on that learning. Helping these teams to grow and thrive requires agile leaders who support, inspire, and encourage, and who can leave behind the management skills of directing, monitoring, and rewarding or punishing. The Professional Agile Leader is a realistic, practical guide, written by experienced agile leaders who share their collective experiences in helping agile leaders to grow responsive and adaptive teams. They structure powerful lessons around a case study based on decades of experience helping agile leaders achieve and sustain agile transformation. Best of all, they never settle for high-level hand-waving-they show you how it's really done. Reignite once-successful organizations that have lost their way; Form cross-functional teams and empower them with purpose; Learn to let go, as ...
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development, 3rd Edition
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development, 3rd Edition

A hands-on book that explains concepts "by doing," Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development, 3rd Edition, takes readers through the process of making both paper and digital game prototypes. Rather than focusing on a single tutorial, as most Unity books have done, this book explores several small prototypes, reinforcing critical concepts through repetition from project to project. Author Jeremy Gibson Bond's approach creates a stable of "base projects" that serve as starters for readers looking to create their own games), while skipping the aspects of project creation (e.g. modeling, animation, etc.) that are less central to this book. Intermediate readers may browse this book for a tutorial that clarifies the specific prototyping or programming concept that they wish to learn. This book begins with an introduction to general game design concepts and basic programing concepts. C# is the chosen language used in this book, and it is easy to learn and enforces good codi ...
Google Daydream VR Cookbook
Google Daydream VR Cookbook

Google's new ARCore and Daydream VR platforms enable you to deliver advanced augmented and virtual reality games and apps on a wide spectrum of modern Android devices. Now for the first time, there's a comprehensive deep dive into both ARCore and Daydream for every Android developer and designer. Multi-award-winning AR/VR developer Sam Keene takes a hands-on approach, leading you through all aspects of the ARCore and Daydream frameworks and SDKs, with step-by-step tutorials and advice for building pro-quality AR/VR games and apps. Keene presents his material as a cookbook of recipes to get you up and running with VR/AR development as fast and as painlessly as possible. The recipes in most chapters start by assembling the essential building blocks, which are pieced together to create something larger. You are then free to take these building blocks and turn them into your own creation. Keene also provides an extensive library of downloadable, up-to-the-minute ARCore and Daydream c ...
The Game Designer's Playlist
The Game Designer's Playlist

In The Game Designers Playlist, top game design instructor Zack Hiwiller introduces more than 70 remarkable games, revealing how they work, why they're great, and how to apply their breakthrough techniques in your own games. Ranging from Go to Texas Hold'em and Magic: The Gathering to Dishonored 2, Hiwiller teaches indispensable lessons about game decision-making, playability, narrative, mechanics, chance, winning, originality, cheats, and a whole lot more. He gleans powerful insights from virtually every type of game: console, mobile, PC, board, card, and beyond. Every game is presented in full color, with a single purpose: to show you what makes it exceptional, so you can create legendary games of your own. Discover how game designers use randomness and luck; Make the most of narrative and the narrator's role; Place the game challenge front and center; Optimize game mechanics, and place mechanics in a broader context; Uncover deep dynamic play in games with the simplest rule ...
Effective Cybersecurity
Effective Cybersecurity

In Effective Cybersecurity, William Stallings introduces the technology, operational procedures, and management practices needed for successful cybersecurity. Stallings makes extensive use of standards and best practices documents that are often used to guide or mandate cybersecurity implementation. Going beyond these, he offers in-depth tutorials on the "how" of implementation, integrated into a unified framework and realistic plan of action. Each chapter contains a clear technical overview, as well as a detailed discussion of action items and appropriate policies. Stallings offers many pedagogical features designed to help readers master the material: clear learning objectives, keyword lists, review questions, and QR codes linking to relevant standards documents and web resources. Effective Cybersecurity aligns with the comprehensive Information Security Forum document "The Standard of Good Practice for Information Security", extending ISF's work with extensive insights from IS ...
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