Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours, 6th Edition
Book Description
Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours, 6th Edition is a practical guide to the simple yet illusive protocol system that powers the Internet. A step-by-step approach reveals how the protocols of the TCP/IP stack really work and explores the rich array of services available on the Internet today. You'll learn about configuring and managing real-world networks, and you'll gain the deep understanding you'll need to troubleshoot new problems when they arise. Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours is the only single-volume introduction to TCP/IP that receives regular updates to incorporate new technologies of the ever-changing Internet. This latest edition includes up-to-date material on recent topics such as tracking and privacy, cloud computing, mobile networks, and the Internet of Things.
Learn how to: Understand TCP/IP's role, how it works, and how it continues to evolve; Work with TCP/IP's Network Access, Internet, Transport, and Application layers; Design modern networks that will scale and resist attack; Address security and privacy issues with encryption, digital signatures, VPNs, Kerberos, web tracking, cookies, anonymity networks, and firewalls; Discover how IPv6 differs from IPv4, and how to migrate or coexist with IPv6; Configure dynamic addressing, DHCP, NAT, and Zeroconf; Establish efficient and reliable routing, subnetting, and name resolution; Use TCP/IP in modern cloud-based environments; Integrate IoT devices into your TCP/IP network; Improve your efficiency with the latest TCP/IP tools and utilities; Support high-performance media streaming and webcasting; Troubleshoot problems with connectivity, protocols, name resolution, and performance; Walk through TCP/IP network implementation, from start to finish.
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