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Programming eBooks

C# Programming for Absolute Beginners
C# Programming for Absolute Beginners

Get started using the C# programming language. Based on the author's 15 years of experience teaching beginners, this book provides you with a step-by-step introduction to the principles of programming or rather, how to think like a programmer. The task-solution approach will get you immersed, with minimum theory and maximum action. What You Will Learn: Understand what programming is all about; Write simple, but non-trivial, programs; Become familiar with basic programming constructs such as statements, types, variables, conditions, and loops; Think like a programmer and combine these programming constructs in new ways; Get to know C# as a modern, mainstream programming language, and Visual Studio as one of the world's most popular programming tools. ...
Expert Python Programming, 4th Edition
Expert Python Programming, 4th Edition

This new edition of Expert Python Programming provides you with a thorough understanding of the process of building and maintaining Python apps. Complete with best practices, useful tools, and standards implemented by professional Python developers, this fourth edition has been extensively updated. Become familiar with the latest Python improvements, syntax elements, and interesting tools to boost your development efficiency. The initial few chapters will allow experienced programmers coming from different languages to transition to the Python ecosystem. You will explore common software design patterns and various programming methodologies, such as event-driven programming concurrency, and metaprogramming. You will also go through complex code examples and try to solve meaningful problems by bridging Python with C and C++, writing extensions that benefit from the strengths of multiple languages. Finally, you will understand the complete lifetime of any applicati ...
Python Object-Oriented Programming, 4th Edition
Python Object-Oriented Programming, 4th Edition

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a popular design paradigm in which data and behaviors are encapsulated in such a way that they can be manipulated together. Python Object-Oriented Programming Fourth Edition dives deep into the various aspects of OOP, Python as an OOP language, common and advanced design patterns, and hands-on data manipulation and testing of more complex OOP systems. These concepts are consolidated by open-ended exercises, as well as a real-world case study at the end of every chapter, newly written for this edition. All example code is now compatible with Python 3.9+ syntax and has been updated with type hints for ease of learning. Steven and Dusty provide a comprehensive, illustrative tour of important OOP concepts, such as inheritance, composition, and polymorphism, and explain how they work together with Python's classes and data structures to facilitate good design. In addition, the book also features an in-depth look at Python's exception han ...
Git for Programmers
Git for Programmers

Git is the most popular version control system in the world. It allows developers to keep up with frequent code changes in a project, ensures there are no code conflicts between the developers, and reverts to an older version of code when required. Git for Programmers comprehensively equips you with actionable insights on advanced Git concepts in an engaging and straightforward way. This book will help you gain expertise on Git with many practical use cases as you progress through the chapters. The book begins with a quick history of Git and instructions on how to get it and install it, after which you'll dive into the creation and cloning of your repository. As you progress through the book, you'll explore Git places, branching, and GUIs. Once you understand the fundamentals, you'll learn how to handle merge conflicts, rebase, amend, interactive rebase, and use the log. You'll also explore important Git commands for managing your repository. Finally, the book concludes with c ...
JavaScript Cookbook, 3rd Edition
JavaScript Cookbook, 3rd Edition

Why reinvent the wheel every time you run into a problem with JavaScript? This cookbook is chock-full of code recipes for common programming tasks, along with techniques for building apps that work in any browser. You'll get adaptable code samples that you can add to almost any project-and you'll learn more about JavaScript in the process. The recipes in this book take advantage of the latest features in ECMAScript 2020 and beyond and use modern JavaScript coding standards. You'll learn how to: Set up a productive development environment with a code editor, linter, and test server; Work with JavaScript data types, such as strings, arrays, and BigInts; Improve your understanding of JavaScript functions, including arrow functions, closures, and generators; Apply object-oriented programming concepts like classes and inheritance; Work with rich media in JavaScript, including audio, video, and SVGs; Manipulate HTML markup and CSS styles; Use JavaScript anywhere with Node ...
Quantum Computing with Silq Programming
Quantum Computing with Silq Programming

Quantum computing is a growing field, with many research projects focusing on programming quantum computers in the most efficient way possible. One of the biggest challenges faced with existing languages is that they work on low-level circuit model details and are not able to represent quantum programs accurately. Developed by researchers at ETH Zurich after analyzing languages including Q# and Qiskit, Silq is a high-level programming language that can be viewed as the C++ of quantum computers! Quantum Computing with Silq Programming helps you explore Silq and its intuitive and simple syntax to enable you to describe complex tasks with less code. This book will help you get to grips with the constructs of the Silq and show you how to write quantum programs with it. You'll learn how to use Silq to program quantum algorithms to solve existing and complex tasks. Using quantum algorithms, you'll also gain practical experience in useful applications such as quantum e ...
Linux System Programming Techniques
Linux System Programming Techniques

Linux is the world's most popular open source operating system (OS). Linux System Programming Techniques will enable you to extend the Linux OS with your own system programs and communicate with other programs on the system. The book begins by exploring the Linux filesystem, its basic commands, built-in manual pages, the GNU compiler collection (GCC), and Linux system calls. You'll then discover how to handle errors in your programs and will learn to catch errors and print relevant information about them. The book takes you through multiple recipes on how to read and write files on the system, using both streams and file descriptors. As you advance, you'll delve into forking, creating zombie processes, and daemons, along with recipes on how to handle daemons using systemd. After this, you'll find out how to create shared libraries and start exploring different types of interprocess communication (IPC). In the later chapters, recipes on how to write programs using POSIX thread ...
Practical C++20 Financial Programming, 2nd Edition
Practical C++20 Financial Programming, 2nd Edition

Apply C++ to programming problems in the financial industry using this hands-on book, updated for C++20. It explains those aspects of the language that are more frequently used in writing financial software, including the Standard Template Library (STL), templates, and various numerical libraries. Practical C++20 Financial Programming also describes many of the important problems in financial engineering that are part of the day-to-day work of financial programmers in large investment banks and hedge funds. The author has extensive experience in the New York City financial industry that is now distilled into this handy guide. Focus is on providing working solutions for common programming problems. Examples are plentiful and provide value in the form of ready-to-use solutions that you can immediately apply in your day-to-day work. You'll see examples of matrix manipulations, curve fitting, histogram generation, numerical integration, and differential equation an ...
XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language
XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language

XcalableMP is a directive-based parallel programming language based on Fortran and C, supporting a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model for distributed memory parallel systems. This open book presents XcalableMP language from its programming model and basic concept to the experience and performance of applications described in XcalableMP.? XcalableMP was taken as a parallel programming language project in the FLAGSHIP 2020 project, which was to develop the Japanese flagship supercomputer, Fugaku, for improving the productivity of parallel programing. XcalableMP is now available on Fugaku and its performance is enhanced by the Fugaku interconnect, Tofu-D. The global-view programming model of XcalableMP, inherited from High-Performance Fortran (HPF), provides an easy and useful solution to parallelize data-parallel programs with directives for distributed global array and work distribution and shadow communication. The local-view programming ...
Racket Programming the Fun Way
Racket Programming the Fun Way

At last, a lively guided tour through all the features, functions, and applications of the Racket programming language. You'll learn a variety of coding paradigms, including iterative, object oriented, and logic programming; create interactive graphics, draw diagrams, and solve puzzles as you explore Racket through fun computer science topics - from statistical analysis to search algorithms, the Turing machine, and more. Early chapters cover basic Racket concepts like data types, syntax, variables, strings, and formatted output. You'll learn how to perform math in Racket's rich numerical environment, and use programming constructs in different problem domains (like coding solutions to the Tower of Hanoi puzzle). Later, you'll play with plotting, grapple with graphics, and visualize data. Then, you'll escape the confines of the command line to produce animations, interactive games, and a card trick program that'll dazzle your friends. You'll learn how tot: - Use DrR ...
Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis with C++20
Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis with C++20

Develop strong skills and a passion for writing cryptography algorithms and security schemes/modules using C++ 20 and its new features. You will find the right methods of writing advanced cryptographic algorithms (such as, elliptic curve cryptography algorithms, lattice-based cryptography, searchable encryption, and homomorphic encryption), examine internal cryptographic mechanisms, and discover common ways in which the algorithms could be implemented and used correctly in practice. The authors avoid the complexities of the mathematical background by explaining its mathematical basis in terms that a programmer can easily understand. They show how "bad" cryptography creeps in during implementation and what "good" cryptography should look like. They do so by showing and comparing the advantages and disadvantages based on processing time, execution time, and reliability. ...
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