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Node.js eBooks

Programming JavaScript Applications
Programming JavaScript Applications

Take advantage of JavaScript's power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient code that's easier - yes, easier - to work with as your code base grows. JavaScript may be the most essential web programming language, but in the real world, JavaScript applications often break when you make changes. With this book, author Eric Elliott shows you how to add client- and server-side features to a large JavaScript application without negatively affecting the rest of your code. ...
Web Development with Node and Express
Web Development with Node and Express

Learn how to build dynamic web applications with Express, a key component of the Node/JavaScript development stack. In this hands-on guide, author Ethan Brown teaches you the fundamentals through the development of a fictional application that exposes a public website and a RESTful API. You'll also learn web architecture best practices to help you build single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web apps with Express. Express strikes a balance between a robust framework and no framework at all, allowing you a free hand in your architecture choices. With this book, frontend and backend engineers familiar with JavaScript will discover new ways of looking at web development. ...
Practical Node.js
Practical Node.js

Practical Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning how to build a wide range of scalable real-world web applications using a professional development toolkit. Node.js is an innovative and highly efficient platform for creating web services. But Node.js doesn't live in a vacuum! In a modern web development, many different components need to be put together — routing, database driver, ORM, session management, OAuth, HTML template engine, CSS compiler and many more. If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages. As a web developer, you'll work with a varied collection of standards and frameworks - Practical Node.js shows you how all those pieces fit together. ...
Pro Express.js
Pro Express.js

Pro Express.js is for the reader who wants to quickly get up-to-speed with Express.js, the flexible Node.js framework. Author Azat Mardan clearly explains how to start developing with Express.js with a basic 'Hello World', and then delves into a deep API reference, before looking at common and abstract development problems. Lastly, you will learn how to build a series of real-world apps in order to cement your knowledge. In order to get the best from this book, you will be familiar with Node.js scripts and able to install packages using npm. In the deep API reference, each aspect of the Express.js API is explained clearly with a simple exercise to demonstrate its usage. This includes configuration, settings and environments; different middleware and its uses; templating engines; extracting parameters and routing; request and response; error handling; and running an app. In the next part you'll delve into abstraction, streams, authentication, multithreading, Socket.io, security, and ...
Beginning Node.js
Beginning Node.js

Beginning Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet got started with Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away. Using this book you will learn important Node.js concepts for server-side programming. You will begin with an easy-to-follow pure JavaScript primer, which you can skip if you're confident of your JS skills. You'll then delve into Node.js concepts such as streams and events, and the technology involved in building full-stack Node.js applications. You'll also learn how to test your Node.js code, and deploy your Node.js applications on the internet. ...
Node.js Design Patterns
Node.js Design Patterns

Node.js is a massively popular software platform that lets you use JavaScript to easily create scalable server-side applications. It allows you to create efficient code, enabling a more sustainable way of writing software made of only one language across the full stack, along with extreme levels of reusability, pragmatism, simplicity, and collaboration. Node.js is revolutionizing the web and the way people and companies create their software. In this book, we will take you on a journey across various ideas and components, and the challenges you would commonly encounter while designing and developing software using the Node.js platform. You will also discover the "Node.js way" of dealing with design and coding decisions. The book kicks off by exploring the fundamental principles and components that define the platform. It then shows you how to master asynchronous programming and how to design elegant and reusable components using well-known patterns and techniques. The b ...
Learning Single-page Web Application Development
Learning Single-page Web Application Development

Learning Single-page Web Application Development is a journey through application development using the MEAN stack with JavaScript on the server side and client side, covering concepts such as RESTful, authentication and session on SPA. You will build large-scale applications. You will use a JavaScript environment with Node.js on the server, MongoDB as the database, and AngularJS on the frontend. Everything is integrated with the Bower dependency manager, Yeoman, and other modern tools to speed up your development process. You will deploy your application to the cloud and learn how to prepare your directory structure to scale and grow. ...
MEAN Web Development
MEAN Web Development

The MEAN stack is a collection of the most popular modern tools for web development; it comprises MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. Starting with MEAN core frameworks, this project-based guide will explain the key concepts of each framework, how to set them up properly, and how to use popular modules to connect it all together. By following the real-world examples shown in this tutorial, you will scaffold your MEAN application architecture, add an authentication layer, and develop an MVC structure to support your project development. Finally, you will walk through the different tools and frameworks that will help expedite your daily development cycles. Watch how your application development grows by learning from the only guide that is solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end, real-time application using the MEAN stack! ...
Node.js in Practice
Node.js in Practice

You've decided to use Node.js for your next project and you need the skills to implement Node in production. It would be great to have Node experts Alex Young and Marc Harter at your side to help you tackle those day-to-day challenges. With this book, you can! Node.js in Practice is a collection of 115 thoroughly tested examples and instantly useful techniques guaranteed to make any Node application go more smoothly. Following a common-sense Problem/Solution format, these experience-fueled techniques cover important topics like event-based programming, streams, integrating external applications, and deployment. The abundantly annotated code makes the examples easy to follow, and techniques are organized into logical clusters, so it's a snap to find what you're looking for. ...
Beginning Node.js
Beginning Node.js

Beginning Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet got started with Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away. Using this book you will learn important Node.js concepts for server-side programming. You will begin with an easy-to-follow pure JavaScript primer, which you can skip if you're confident of your JS skills. You'll then delve into Node.js concepts such as streams and events, and the technology involved in building full-stack Node.js applications. You'll also learn how to test your Node.js code, and deploy your Node.js applications on the internet. ...
Node.js the Right Way
Node.js the Right Way

Get to the forefront of server-side JavaScript programming by writing compact, robust, fast, networked Node applications that scale. Ready to take JavaScript beyond the browser, explore dynamic languages features and embrace evented programming? Explore the fun, growing repository of Node modules provided by npm. Work with multiple protocols, load-balanced RESTful web services, express, 0MQ, Redis, CouchDB, and more. Develop production-grade Node applications fast. JavaScript is the backbone of the modern web, powering nearly every web app's user interface. Node.js is JavaScript for the server. This book shows you how to develop small, fast, low-profile, useful, networked applications. You'll write asynchronous, non-blocking code using Node's style and patterns. You'll cluster and load balance your services with Node core features and third-party tools. You'll work with many protocols, creating RESTful web services, TCP socket clients and servers, and mor ...
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