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Graph eBooks

Advanced Audio Visualization Using ThMAD
Advanced Audio Visualization Using ThMAD

Learn advanced techniques and improve your audio visualization skills with Thinking Machine Audio Dreams (ThMAD). With this book, you can concentrate on advanced examples and usage patterns, including using shaders in a more profound way, and how to incorporate ThMAD into a tool chain using the professional sound server JACK. Advanced Audio Visualization Using ThMAD provides advanced techniques for generating graphics, improving performance, and providing readers with the skills needed to create more interesting visualizations. You will also learn professional setups with highly developed visual and aural art tool chains. Use the ThMAD software for advanced setups in their personal and professional projects; Gain a pragmatic introduction to using shaders; Use JACK sound servers with ThMAD; Control the timing ThMAD; Work with advanced configurations. ...
Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5
Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5

Using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for illustrations only scratches the surface of this format's potential on the web. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to use SVG not only for illustrations but also as graphical documents that you can integrate into complex HTML5 web pages, and style with custom CSS. Web developers will discover ways to adapt designs by adding data based graphics, dynamic styles, interaction, or animation. Divided into five parts, this book includes: SVG on the web: Understand how SVG works with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to define graphics; Drawing with markup: Learn the vector language of x and y coordinates that let SVG create basic and custom shapes; Putting graphics in their place: Use the coordinate system to draw SVG shapes and text at different scales and positions; Artistic touches: Explore how color is used, how strokes are created and manipulated, and how graphical effects like filters, clipping, and masking are applied; SVG as an application: ...
Monitoring with Graphite
Monitoring with Graphite

Graphite has become one of the most powerful monitoring tools available today, due to its ease of use, rapid graph prototyping abilities, and a friendly rendering API. With this practical guide, system administrators and engineers will learn how to use this open source tool to track operational data you need to monitor your systems, as well as application-level metrics for profiling your services. Author Jason Dixon, member of the Graphite project, provides a thorough introduction of Graphite from the basics to the skills and tools you need for troubleshooting and scaling out its software components. If you want to learn more about monitoring systems, services, or applications, this is the book you need. Get an introduction to monitoring, including important concepts and terminology; Examine the features and functionality of key Graphite components, including Carbon and Whisper; Learn the typical user workflow necessary to create a basic line chart; Build complex charts with c ...
Serious Cryptography
Serious Cryptography

This practical guide to modern encryption breaks down the fundamental mathematical concepts at the heart of cryptography without shying away from meaty discussions of how they work. You'll learn about authenticated encryption, secure randomness, hash functions, block ciphers, and public-key techniques such as RSA and elliptic curve cryptography. You'll also learn: Key concepts in cryptography, such as computational security, attacker models, and forward secrecy; The strengths and limitations of the TLS protocol behind HTTPS secure websites; Quantum computation and post-quantum cryptography; About various vulnerabilities by examining numerous code examples and use cases; How to choose the best algorithm or protocol and ask vendors the right questions. Each chapter includes a discussion of common implementation mistakes using real-world examples and details what could go wrong and how to avoid these pitfalls. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a beginner looking to dive i ...
React Quickly
React Quickly

React Quickly is for anyone who wants to learn React.js fast. This hands-on book teaches you the concepts you need with lots of examples, tutorials, and a large main project that gets built throughout the book. Successful user interfaces need to be visually interesting, fast, and flowing. The React.js JavaScript library supercharges view-heavy web applications by improving data flow between UI components. React sites update visual elements efficiently and smoothly, minimizing page reloads. React is developer friendly, with a strong ecosystem to support the dev process along the full application stack. And because it's all JavaScript, React is instantly familiar. React Quickly is the tutorial for web developers who want to get started fast with React.js. Following carefully chosen and clearly explained examples, you'll learn React development using your existing JavaScript and web dev skills. You'll explore a host of different projects as you learn about web components, forms, and ...
The Definitive Guide to Graph Databases
The Definitive Guide to Graph Databases

For the right use case, relational databases are powerful tools. But today's users are asking for more than an RDBMS can handle. More features, more data, more speed and - most importantly - more connections. This ebook introduces you - the RDBMS developer - to a new technology that leverages data connections like never before: the graph database. This definitive guide covers: Relational vs. graph data modeling; SQL vs. Cypher as query languages; RDBMS + graph deployment paradigms; And much more. ...
Gnuplot in Action, 2nd Edition
Gnuplot in Action, 2nd Edition

Gnuplot in Action, 2nd Edition is a major revision of this authoritative guide for developers, engineers, and scientists. The book starts with a tutorial introduction, followed by a systematic overview of gnuplot's core features and full coverage of gnuplot's advanced capabilities. Experienced readers will appreciate the discussion of gnuplot 5's features, including new plot types, improved text and color handling, and support for interactive, web-based display formats. The book concludes with chapters on graphical effects and general techniques for understanding data with graphs. It includes four pages of color illustrations. 3D graphics, false-color plots, heatmaps, and multivariate visualizations are covered in chapter-length appendixes available in the eBook. ...
Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models in R
Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models in R

Probabilistic graphical models (PGM, also known as graphical models) are a marriage between probability theory and graph theory. Generally, PGMs use a graph-based representation. Two branches of graphical representations of distributions are commonly used, namely Bayesian networks and Markov networks. R has many packages to implement graphical models. We'll start by showing you how to transform a classical statistical model into a modern PGM and then look at how to do exact inference in graphical models. Proceeding, we'll introduce you to many modern R packages that will help you to perform inference on the models. We will then run a Bayesian linear regression and you'll see the advantage of going probabilistic when you want to do prediction. Next, you'll master using R packages and implementing its techniques. Finally, you'll be presented with machine learning applications that have a direct impact in many fields. Here, we'll cover clustering and the discovery of hidden i ...
Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook
Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook

With the advancement of computer technology, the software market is exploding with tons of software choices for the user, making their expectations higher in terms of functionality and the look and feel of the application. Therefore, improving the visual quality of your application is vital in order to overcome the market competition and stand out from the crowd. This book will teach you how to develop functional and appealing software using Qt5 through multiple projects that are interesting and fun. This book covers a variety of topics such as look-and-feel customization, GUI animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. You will learn tons of useful information, and enjoy the process of working on the creative projects provided in this book. ...
Gnuplot in Action, 2nd Edition
Gnuplot in Action, 2nd Edition

Gnuplot in Action, 2nd Edition is a major revision of this authoritative guide for developers, engineers, and scientists. The book starts with a tutorial introduction, followed by a systematic overview of gnuplot's core features and full coverage of gnuplot's advanced capabilities. Experienced readers will appreciate the discussion of gnuplot 5's features, including new plot types, improved text and color handling, and support for interactive, web-based display formats. The book concludes with chapters on graphical effects and general techniques for understanding data with graphs. It includes four pages of color illustrations. 3D graphics, false-color plots, heatmaps, and multivariate visualizations are covered in chapter-length appendixes available in the eBook. ...
Graph Databases, 2nd Edition
Graph Databases, 2nd Edition

Discover how graph databases can help you manage and query highly connected data. With this practical book, you'll learn how to design and implement a graph database that brings the power of graphs to bear on a broad range of problem domains. Whether you want to speed up your response to user queries or build a database that can adapt as your business evolves, this book shows you how to apply the schema-free graph model to real-world problems. This second edition includes new code samples and diagrams, using the latest Neo4j syntax, as well as information on new functionality. Learn how different organizations are using graph databases to outperform their competitors. With this book's data modeling, query, and code examples, you'll quickly be able to implement your own solution. Model data with the Cypher query language and property graph model; Learn best practices and common pitfalls when modeling with graphs; Plan and implement a graph ...
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