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Dojo eBooks

Mastering Dojo
Mastering Dojo

Imagine a true thin-client web application environment, with no browser incompatibilities, no plugins, and an interface that's closer to a desktop app. You can have it all, today. Welcome to The Dojo Toolkit. Mastering Dojo walks you through the whole range of modern web programming problems, from bringing simple web pages to life with widgets and animation, to designing and building an enterprise-class, single-page Rich Internet Application (RIA). Are your web pages becoming more and more complex, with hundreds of lines of sprawling JavaScript as clients demand modern Ajax designs? Or maybe you're about to enter the new world of single-page, Rich Internet Applications? Dojo is the unified toolkit that you need to get the job done. ...
Dojo: The Definitive Guide
Dojo: The Definitive Guide

The Dojo toolkit provides an end-to-end solution for development in the browser - everything from its standard JavaScript library and turnkey widgets to build tools and a testing framework. This comprehensive guide to Dojo includes a hard-hitting reference to help you build rich and responsive web applications with complex layouts and form controls closely resembling those found in the most advanced desktop applications. If you're a DHTML-toting web developer, you need to read this book. ...
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