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You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer. You'll learn how and why they work, and how an understanding of closures can be a powerful part of your development skillset. Like other books in the "You Don't Know JS" series, Scope and Closures dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you can achieve true JavaScript mastery. ...
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don't Know JS" series, this compact guide explores JavaScript types in greater depth than previous treatments by looking at type coercion problems, demonstrating why types work, and showing you how to take advantage of these features. Like other books in this series, You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid or assume don't exist (like types). Armed with this knowledge, you can achieve true JavaScript mastery. ...
You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance
You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don't Know JS" series, this concise yet in-depth guide focuses on new asynchronous features and performance techniques—including Promises, generators, and Web Workers—that let you create sophisticated single-page web applications and escape callback hell in the process. Like other books in this series, You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you can become a true JavaScript master. ...
You Don't Know JS: Up & Going
You Don't Know JS: Up & Going

It's easy to learn parts of JavaScript, but much harder to learn it completely - or even sufficiently - whether you're new to the language or have used it for years. With the "You Don't Know JS" book series, you'll get a more complete understanding of JavaScript, including trickier parts of the language that many experienced JavaScript programmers simply avoid. The series first book, Up & Going, provides the necessary background for those of you with limited programming experience. By learning the basic building blocks of programming, as well as JavaScript's core mechanisms, you'll be prepared to dive into the other, more in-depth books in the series—and be well on your way toward true JavaScript. ...
You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond
You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don't Know JS" series, this compact guide focuses on new features available in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the latest version of the standard upon which JavaScript is built. Like other books in this series, You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers either avoid or know nothing about. Armed with this knowledge, you can achieve true JavaScript mastery. Learn new ES6 syntax that eases the pain points of common programming idioms; Organize code with iterators, generators, modules, and classes; Express async flow control with Promises combined with generators; Use collections to work more efficiently with data in structured ways; Leverage new API helpers, including Array, Object, Math, Number, and String; Extend your program's capabilities through meta programming; Preview features likely coming to JS bey ...
Professional Node.js
Professional Node.js

Node.js is a powerful and popular new framework for writing scalable network programs using JavaScript. This no nonsense book begins with an overview of Node.js and then quickly dives into the code, core concepts, and APIs. In-depth coverage pares down the essentials to cover debugging, unit testing, and flow control so that you can start building and testing your own modules right away. If you already know JavaScript and are curious about the power of Node.js, then this is the ideal book for you. ...
Practical Node.js
Practical Node.js

Practical Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning how to build a wide range of scalable real-world web applications using a professional development toolkit. Node.js is an innovative and highly efficient platform for creating web services. But Node.js doesn't live in a vacuum! In a modern web development, many different components need to be put together — routing, database driver, ORM, session management, OAuth, HTML template engine, CSS compiler and many more. If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages. As a web developer, you'll work with a varied collection of standards and frameworks - Practical Node.js shows you how all those pieces fit together. ...
Learning TensorFlow.js
Learning TensorFlow.js

Given the demand for AI and the ubiquity of JavaScript, TensorFlow.js was inevitable. With this Google framework, seasoned AI veterans and web developers alike can help propel the future of AI-driven websites. In this guide, author Gant Laborde (Google Developer Expert in machine learningand the web) provides a hands-on end-to-end approach to TensorFlow.js fundamentals for a broad technical audience that includes data scientists, engineers, web developers, students, and researchers. You'll begin by working through some basic examples in TensorFlow.js before diving deeper into neural network architectures, DataFrames, TensorFlow Hub, model conversion, transfer learning, and more. Once you finish this book, you'll know how to build and deploy production-readydeep learning systems with TensorFlow.js. - Explore tensors, the most fundamental structure of machine learning; - Convert data into tensors and back with a real-world example; - Combine AI with the web using TensorFlow.js; ...
You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript's this structure and object prototypes. You'll learn how they work and why they're integral to behavior delegation - a design pattern in which objects are linked, rather than cloned. ...
Learning Three.js: The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL
Learning Three.js: The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL

Three.js is a JavaScript 3D library that offers a wide range of features for creating and displaying stunning 3D computer graphics on a web browser in an intuitive manner using JavaScript without having to deal with the complexity of a WebGL low-level API. Even though WebGL makes it possible to create 3D graphics in the browser without having to use plugins, programming WebGL, however, is hard and complex. This book shows you how Three.js allows you to be independent of browser plugins. If you are an experienced web designer who wants to set the tone for an immersive design environment in your applications then this book is for you. Learning Three.js: The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - is a practical, example-rich book that will help you to master all the features of Three.js. With this book, you'll learn how to create and animate gorgeous looking 3D scenes directly in your browser utilizing the full potential of WebGL and modern browsers without having to learn WebGL. ...
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