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Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming

​Many engineering, operations, and scientific applications include a mixture of discrete and continuous decision variables and nonlinear relationships involving the decision variables that have a pronounced effect on the set of feasible and optimal solutions. Mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems combine the numerical difficulties of handling nonlinear functions with the challenge of optimizing in the context of nonconvex functions and discrete variables. MINLP is one of the most flexible modeling paradigms available for optimization; but because its scope is so broad, in the most general cases it is hopelessly intractable. ...
Algorithmic Randomness and Complexity
Algorithmic Randomness and Complexity

Intuitively, a sequence such as 101010101010101010... does not seem random, whereas 101101011101010100..., obtained using coin tosses, does. How can we reconcile this intuition with the fact that both are statistically equally likely? What does it mean to say that an individual mathematical object such as a real number is random, or to say that one real is more random than another? And what is the relationship between randomness and computational power. The theory of algorithmic randomness uses tools from computability theory and algorithmic information theory to address questions such as these. ...
Soft Computing for Recognition based on Biometrics
Soft Computing for Recognition based on Biometrics

We describe in this book, bio-inspired models and applications of hybrid intelligent systems using soft computing techniques for image analysis and pattern recognition based on biometrics and other information sources. Soft Computing (SC) consists of several intelligent computing paradigms, including fuzzy logic, neural networks, and bio-inspired optimization algo-rithms, which can be used to produce powerful hybrid intelligent systems. The book is organized in five main parts, which contain a group of papers around a similar subject. ...
Foundations for Efficient Web Service Selection
Foundations for Efficient Web Service Selection

Foundations for Efficient Web Service Selection describes the foundational framework for efficient Web service selection. It lays out a theoretical underpinning for the design of models and algorithms for searching and optimizing access to Web services. This excellent book looks at the search problem from a broader perspective. Instead of narrowing down on a specific aspect or subproblem of service search, it dissects and analyzes the fundamental problems in search and presents concrete, applicable solutions as well as the theoretical foundations behind them. ...
Handbook of Data Compression, 5th Edition
Handbook of Data Compression, 5th Edition

Data compression is such an important tool in modern computing that some researchers even suggest that all computing is compression! This comprehensive fifth edition of David Salomon's highly successful reference, Data Compression, now fully reconceived under its new title, Handbook of Data Compression, is thoroughly updated with the latest progress in the field. This all-inclusive and user-friendly reference work discusses the wide range of compression methods for text, graphical data (still images and movies), and audio. ...
Handbook of Nature-Inspired and Innovative Computing
Handbook of Nature-Inspired and Innovative Computing

As computing devices proliferate, demand increases for an understanding of emerging computing paradigms and models based on natural phenomena. Neural networks, evolution-based models, quantum computing, and DNA-based computing and simulations are all a necessary part of modern computing analysis and systems development. Vast literature exists on these new paradigms and their implications for a wide array of applications. This comprehensive handbook, the first of its kind to address the connection between nature-inspired and traditional computational paradigms, is a repository of case studies dealing with different problems in computing and solutions to these problems based on nature-inspired paradigms. ...
Local Binary Patterns
Local Binary Patterns

This book introduces Local Binary Patterns (LBP), arguably one of the most powerful texture descriptors, and LBP variants. This volume provides the latest reviews of the literature and a presentation of some of the best LBP variants by researchers at the forefront of textual analysis research and research on LBP descriptors and variants. The value of LBP variants is illustrated with reported experiments using many databases representing a diversity of computer vision applications in medicine, biometrics, and other areas. There is also a chapter that provides an excellent theoretical foundation for texture analysis and LBP in particular. A special section focuses on LBP and LBP variants in the area of face recognition, including thermal face recognition. This book will be of value to anyone already in the field as well as to those interested in learning more about this powerful family of texture descriptors. ...
Interactive Segmentation Techniques
Interactive Segmentation Techniques

This book focuses on interactive segmentation techniques, which have been extensively studied in recent decades. Interactive segmentation emphasizes clear extraction of objects of interest, whose locations are roughly indicated by human interactions based on high level perception. This book will first introduce classic graph-cut segmentation algorithms and then discuss state-of-the-art techniques, including graph matching methods, region merging and label propagation, clustering methods, and segmentation methods based on edge detection. A comparative analysis of these methods will be provided with quantitative and qualitative performance evaluation, which will be illustrated using natural and synthetic images. Also, extensive statistical performance comparisons will be made. Pros and cons of these interactive segmentation methods will be pointed out, and their applications will be discussed. ...
Web Information Retrieval
Web Information Retrieval

With the proliferation of huge amounts of (heterogeneous) data on the Web, the importance of information retrieval (IR) has grown considerably over the last few years. Big players in the computer industry, such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!, are the primary contributors of technology for fast access to Web-based information; and searching capabilities are now integrated into most information systems, ranging from business management software and customer relationship systems to social networks and mobile phone applications. ...
Domain Engineering
Domain Engineering

Domain engineering is a set of activities intended to develop, maintain, and manage the creation and evolution of an area of knowledge suitable for processing by a range of software systems. It is of considerable practical significance, as it provides methods and techniques that help reduce time-to-market, development costs, and project risks on one hand, and helps improve system quality and performance on a consistent basis on the other. In this book, the editors present a collection of invited chapters from various fields related to domain engineering. ...
Algorithms from and for Nature and Life
Algorithms from and for Nature and Life

This volume provides approaches and solutions to challenges occurring at the interface of research fields such as, e.g., data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, computer science, operations research, and statistics. In addition to theory-oriented contributions various application areas are included. Moreover, traditional classification research directions concerning network data, graphs, and social relationships as well as statistical musicology describe examples for current interest fields tackled by the authors. The book comprises a total of 55 selected papers presented at the Joint Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl), the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM), and the Symposium of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) in 2011.​ ...
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