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No Starch Press

Dive Into Algorithms
Dive Into Algorithms

Dive Into Algorithms is a wide-ranging, Pythonic tour of many of the world's most interesting algorithms. With little more than a bit of computer programming experience and basic high-school math, you'll explore standard computer science algorithms for searching, sorting, and optimization; human-based algorithms that help us determine how to catch a baseball or eat the right amount at a buffet; and advanced algorithms like ones used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. You'll even explore how ancient Egyptians and Russian peasants used algorithms to multiply numbers, how the ancient Greeks used them to find greatest common divisors, and how Japanese scholars in the age of samurai designed algorithms capable of generating magic squares. You'll explore algorithms that are useful in pure mathematics and learn how mathematical ideas can improve algorithms. You'll learn about an algorithm for generating continued fractions, one for quick calculations of square roots, and anot ...
The Coding Workbook
The Coding Workbook

This beginner-friendly introduction to web development enables anyone to build a website by writing out code by hand - no computer or internet required. It's a fun, hands-on approach to coding that teaches the basics of using the HTML and CSS programming languages (the language of web pages). You write the code in the pages of your workbook and then draw what it would look like in a web browser. Teachers: This has everything you need to teach an introductory web development class, and the pages are perforated! Students: Learn the basics of HTML and CSS to build your own custom website! Once you've finished the workbook you'll have the skills to easily build and launch a website. It's that easy! This exercise-filled workbook is packed with illustrations and progress quizzes, making it perfect for at-home learning or schools lacking sufficient computer or internet access. It has everything you need to teach a coding class or learn basic web programming yourself. You don't n ...
Machine Learning for Kids
Machine Learning for Kids

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of computers to simulate human thinking. Machine learning (ML) is one of the building blocks of AI. It's based on the idea that computers can be taught to do things on their own from the data and feedback you give them. Machine Learning for Kids consists of this book and a kid-friendly companion website paired with the educational coding platform, Scratch. Together, they provide an easy-to-use guided programming environment for adding ML capabilities to your own AI projects! As you work through each chapter you'll discover how ML systems can be taught to recognize text, images, numbers, and sounds, and different ways of training ML models to improve their accuracy. You'll turn your models into fun computer games and apps (and see what happens when an AI system gets confused by bad data) while building: - A Rock, Paper, Scissors game that knows your hand shapes; - A smart question-answering chatbot; - A computer character that reacts ...
PoC||GTFO, Volume 3
PoC||GTFO, Volume 3

The International Journal of Proof-of-Concept or Get The Fuck Out is a celebrated collection of short essays on computer security, reverse engineering and retrocomputing topics by many of the world's most famous hackers. This third volume contains all articles from releases 14 to 18 in the form of an actual, bound bible. Topics include how to dump the ROM from one of the most secure Sega Genesis games ever created; how to create a PDF that is also a Git repository; how to extract the Game Boy Advance BIOS ROM; how to sniff Bluetooth Low Energy communications with the BCC Micro:Bit; how to conceal ZIP Files in NES Cartridges; how to remotely exploit a TetriNET Server; and more. The journal exists to remind us of what a clever engineer can build from a box of parts and a bit of free time. Not to showcase what others have done, but to explain how they did it so that readers can do these and other clever things themselves. ...
How the Internet Really Works
How the Internet Really Works

The internet has profoundly changed interpersonal communication, but most of us don't really understand how it works. What enables information to travel across the internet? Can we really be anonymous and private online? Who controls the internet, and why is that important? And… what's with all the cats? How the Internet Really Works answers these questions and more. Using clear language and whimsical illustrations, the authors translate highly technical topics into accessible, engaging prose that demystifies the world's most intricately linked computer network. Alongside a feline guide named Catnip, you'll learn about: - The "How-What-Why" of nodes, packets, and internet protocols; - Cryptographic techniques to ensure the secrecy and integrity of your data; - Censorship, ways to monitor it, and means for circumventing it; - Cybernetics, algorithms, and how computers make decisions; - Centralization of internet power, its impact on democracy, and how it hurts human rights; - ...
Real-World Python
Real-World Python

With its emphasis on project-based practice, Real World Python will take you from playing with syntax to writing complete programs in no time. You'll conduct experiments, explore statistical concepts, and solve novel problems that have frustrated geniuses throughout history, like detecting distant exoplanets, as you continue to build your Python skills. Chapters begin with a clearly defined project goal and a discussion of ways to attack the problem, followed by a mission designed to make you think like a programmer. You'll direct a Coast Guard search-and-rescue effort, plot and execute a NASA flight to the moon, protect access to a secure lab using facial recognition, and more. Along the way you'll learn how to: Use libraries like matplotlib, NumPy, Bokeh, pandas, Requests, Beautiful Soup, and turtle; Work with Natural Language Processing and computer vision modules like NLTK and OpenCV; Write a program to detect and track objects moving across a starfield; Scrape speeches from the ...
Effective C
Effective C

The world runs on code written in the C programming language, yet most schools begin the curriculum with Python or Java. Effective C bridges this gap and brings C into the modern era - covering the modern C17 Standard as well as potential C2x features. With the aid of this instant classic, you'll soon be writing professional, portable, and secure C programs to power robust systems and solve real-world problems. Robert C. Seacord introduces C and the C Standard Library while addressing best practices, common errors, and open debates in the C community. Developed together with other C Standards committee experts, Effective C will teach you how to debug, test, and analyze C programs. You'll benefit from Seacord's concise explanations of C language constructs and behaviors, and from his 40 years of coding experience. You'll learn: How to identify and handle undefined behavior in a C program; The range and representations of integers and floating-point values; How dynamic memory alloc ...
Web Security for Developers
Web Security for Developers

The world has changed. Today, every time you make a site live, you're opening it up to attack. A first-time developer can easily be discouraged by the difficulties involved with properly securing a website. But have hope: an army of security researchers is out there discovering, documenting, and fixing security flaws. Thankfully, the tools you'll need to secure your site are freely available and generally easy to use. Web Security for Developers will teach you how your websites are vulnerable to attack and how to protect them. Each chapter breaks down a major security vulnerability and explores a real-world attack, coupled with plenty of code to show you both the vulnerability and the fix. You'll learn how to: Protect against SQL injection attacks, malicious JavaScript, and cross-site request forgery; Add authentication and shape access control to protect accounts; Lock down user accounts to prevent attacks that rely on guessing passwords, stealing sessions, or escalating priv ...
Practical Vulnerability Management
Practical Vulnerability Management

Bugs: they're everywhere. Software, firmware, hardware - they all have them. Bugs even live in the cloud. And when one of these bugs is leveraged to wreak havoc or steal sensitive information, a company's prized technology assets suddenly become serious liabilities. Fortunately, exploitable security weaknesses are entirely preventable; you just have to find them before the bad guys do. Practical Vulnerability Management will help you achieve this goal on a budget, with a proactive process for detecting bugs and squashing the threat they pose. The book starts by introducing the practice of vulnerability management, its tools and components, and detailing the ways it improves an enterprise's overall security posture. Then it's time to get your hands dirty! As the content shifts from conceptual to practical, you're guided through creating a vulnerability-management system from the ground up, using open-source software. Along the way, you'll learn how to: Generate accurate and usa ...
The Ghidra Book
The Ghidra Book

The result of more than a decade of research and development within the NSA, the Ghidra platform was developed to address some of the agency's most challenging reverse-engineering problems. With the open-source release of this formerly restricted tool suite, one of the world's most capable disassemblers and intuitive decompilers is now in the hands of cybersecurity defenders everywhere - and The Ghidra Book is the one and only guide you need to master it. In addition to discussing RE techniques useful in analyzing software and malware of all kinds, the book thoroughly introduces Ghidra's components, features, and unique capacity for group collaboration. You'll learn how to: Navigate a disassembly; Use Ghidra's built-in decompiler to expedite analysis; Analyze obfuscated binaries; Extend Ghidra to recognize new data types; Build new Ghidra analyzers and loaders; Add support for new processors and instruction sets; Script Ghidra tasks to automate workflows; Set up and use a collaborat ...
Write Great Code: Volume 3
Write Great Code: Volume 3

The field of software engineering may value team productivity over individual growth, but legendary computer scientist Randall Hyde wants to make promising programmers into masters of their craft. To that end, Engineering Software - the latest volume in Hyde's highly regarded Write Great Code series - offers his signature in-depth coverage of everything from development methodologies and strategic productivity to object-oriented design requirements and system documentation. You'll learn: Why following the software craftsmanship model can lead you to do your best work; How to utilize traceability to enforce consistency within your documentation; The steps for creating your own UML requirements with use-case analysis; How to leverage the IEEE documentation standards to create better software. This advanced apprenticeship in the skills, attitudes, and ethics of quality software development reveals the right way to apply engineering principles to programming. Hyde will teach you the ...
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