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Python eBooks

Python for Cybersecurity
Python for Cybersecurity

Python For Cybersecurity: Using Python for Cyber Offense and Defense delivers an intuitive and hands-on explanation of using Python for cybersecurity. It relies on the MITRE ATT&CK framework to structure its exploration of cyberattack techniques, attack defenses, and the key cybersecurity challenges facing network administrators and other stakeholders today. Offering downloadable sample code, the book is written to help you discover how to use Python in a wide variety of cybersecurity situations, including: Reconnaissance, resource development, initial access, and execution; Persistence, privilege escalation, defense evasion, and credential access; Discovery, lateral movement, collection, and command and control; Exfiltration and impact. Each chapter includes discussions of several techniques and sub-techniques that could be used to achieve an attacker's objectives in any of these use cases. The ideal resource for anyone with a professional or personal ...
Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python
Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python

In Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python: From Zero to Hero, veteran educator and photophysicist Dr. Perry Xiao delivers a thorough introduction to one of the most exciting areas of computer science in modern history. The book demystifies artificial intelligence and teaches readers its fundamentals from scratch in simple and plain language and with illustrative code examples. Divided into three parts, the author explains artificial intelligence generally, machine learning, and deep learning. It tackles a wide variety of useful topics, from classification and regression in machine learning to generative adversarial networks. He also includes: Fulsome introductions to MATLAB, Python AI, machine learning, and deep learning; Expansive discussions on supervised and unsupervised machine learning, as well as semi-supervised learning; Practical AI and Python "cheat sheet" quick references. This hands-on AI programming guide is perfect for anyone with a b ...
Applied Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2, 2nd Edition
Applied Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2, 2nd Edition

Understand how neural networks work and learn how to implement them using TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras. This new edition focuses on the fundamental concepts and at the same time on practical aspects of implementing neural networks and deep learning for your research projects. This book is designed so that you can focus on the parts you are interested in. You will explore topics as regularization, optimizers, optimization, metric analysis, and hyper-parameter tuning. In addition, you will learn the fundamentals ideas behind autoencoders and generative adversarial networks. All the code presented in the book will be available in the form of Jupyter notebooks which would allow you to try out all examples and extend them in interesting ways. A companion online book is available with the complete code for all examples discussed in the book and additional material more related to TensorFlow and Keras. All the code will be available in Jupyter notebook format and can be opened directly in G ...
Python Testing with pytest, 2nd Edition
Python Testing with pytest, 2nd Edition

Test applications, packages, and libraries large and small with pytest, Python's most powerful testing framework. pytest helps you write tests quickly and keep them readable and maintainable. In this fully revised edition, explore pytest's superpowers - simple asserts, fixtures, parametrization, markers, and plugins - while creating simple tests and test suites against a small database application. Using a robust yet simple fixture model, it's just as easy to write small tests with pytest as it is to scale up to complex functional testing. This book shows you how. pytest is undeniably the best choice for testing Python projects. It's a full-featured, flexible, and extensible testing framework. pytest's fixture model allows you to share test data and setup procedures across multiple layers of tests. The pytest framework gives you powerful features such as assert rewriting, parametrization, markers, plugins, parallel test execution, and clear test failure reporting - with no bo ...
Portable Python Projects
Portable Python Projects

Discover easy ways to control your home with the powerful new Raspberry Pi hardware. Program short Python scripts that will detect changes in your home and react with the instructions you code. Use new add-on accessories to monitor a variety of measurements, from light intensity and temperature to motion detection and water leakage. Expand the base projects with your own custom additions to perfectly match your own home setup. Most projects in the book can be completed in under an hour, giving you more time to enjoy and tweak your autonomous creations. No breadboard or electronics knowledge required! Get to know the latest Raspberry Pi hardware, and create awesome automation solutions for home or work that don't require an electronics degree, cumbersome add-ons, or expensive third-party subscription services. Create easy-to-run Python scripts on your own that make your Pi do things that would have required a team of automation experts to build only a few years ago. ...
Data Analysis with Python and PySpark
Data Analysis with Python and PySpark

Data Analysis with Python and PySpark is your guide to delivering successful Python-driven data projects. Packed with relevant examples and essential techniques, this practical book teaches you to build pipelines for reporting, machine learning, and other data-centric tasks. Quick exercises in every chapter help you practice what you've learned, and rapidly start implementing PySpark into your data systems. No previous knowledge of Spark is required. The Spark data processing engine is an amazing analytics factory: raw data comes in, insight comes out. PySpark wraps Spark's core engine with a Python-based API. It helps simplify Spark's steep learning curve and makes this powerful tool available to anyone working in the Python data ecosystem. Data Analysis with Python and PySpark helps you solve the daily challenges of data science with PySpark. You'll learn how to scale your processing capabilities across multiple machines while ingesting data from any source ...
Python Concurrency with asyncio
Python Concurrency with asyncio

Python is flexible, versatile, and easy to learn. It can also be very slow compared to lower-level languages. Python Concurrency with asyncio teaches you how to boost Python's performance by applying a variety of concurrency techniques. You'll learn how the complex-but-powerful asyncio library can achieve concurrency with just a single thread and use asyncio's APIs to run multiple web requests and database queries simultaneously. The book covers using asyncio with the entire Python concurrency landscape, including multiprocessing and multithreading. It's easy to overload standard Python and watch your programs slow to a crawl. Th e asyncio library was built to solve these problems by making it easy to divide and schedule tasks. It seamlessly handles multiple operations concurrently, leading to apps that are lightning fast and scalable. Python Concurrency with asyncio introduces asynchronous, parallel, and concurrent programming through hands-on ...
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn

Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn is a comprehensive guide to machine learning and deep learning with PyTorch. It acts as both a step-by-step tutorial and a reference you'll keep coming back to as you build your machine learning systems. Packed with clear explanations, visualizations, and examples, the book covers all the essential machine learning techniques in depth. While some books teach you only to follow instructions, with this machine learning book, we teach the principles allowing you to build models and applications for yourself. Why PyTorch? PyTorch is the Pythonic way to learn machine learning, making it easier to learn and simpler to code with. This book explains the essential parts of PyTorch and how to create models using popular libraries, such as PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch Geometric. You will also learn about generative adversarial networks (GANs) for generating new data and training intelligent agents with reinforcement learning. Finally, th ...
Transformers for Natural Language Processing, 2nd Edition
Transformers for Natural Language Processing, 2nd Edition

Transformers are a game-changer for natural language understanding (NLU) and have become one of the pillars of artificial intelligence. Transformers for Natural Language Processing, 2nd Edition, investigates deep learning for machine translations, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, language modeling, question-answering, and many more NLP domains with transformers. An Industry 4.0 AI specialist needs to be adaptable; knowing just one NLP platform is not enough anymore. Different platforms have different benefits depending on the application, whether it's cost, flexibility, ease of implementation, results, or performance. In this book, we analyze numerous use cases with Hugging Face, Google Trax, OpenAI, and AllenNLP. This book takes transformers' capabilities further by combining multiple NLP techniques, such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and semantic role labeling, to analyze complex use cases, such as dissecting fake news on Twitter. Also, see how transformers ...
Python Architecture Patterns
Python Architecture Patterns

Developing large-scale systems that continuously grow in scale and complexity requires a thorough understanding of how software projects should be implemented. Software developers, architects, and technical management teams rely on high-level software design patterns such as microservices architecture, event-driven architecture, and the strategic patterns prescribed by domain-driven design (DDD) to make their work easier. This book covers these proven architecture design patterns with a forward-looking approach to help Python developers manage application complexity - and get the most value out of their test suites. Starting with the initial stages of design, you will learn about the main blocks and mental flow to use at the start of a project. The book covers various architectural patterns like microservices, web services, and event-driven structures and how to choose the one best suited to your project. Establishing a foundation of required concepts, you will progress in ...
Web App Development and Real-Time Web Analytics with Python
Web App Development and Real-Time Web Analytics with Python

Learn to develop and deploy dashboards as web apps using the Python programming language, and how to integrate algorithms into web apps. Author Tshepo Chris Nokeri begins by introducing you to the basics of constructing and styling static and interactive charts and tables before exploring the basics of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, including an approach to building web pages with HTML. From there, he'll show you the key Python web frameworks and techniques for building web apps with them. You'll then see how to style web apps and incorporate themes, including interactive charts and tables to build dashboards, followed by a walkthrough of creating URL routes and securing web apps. You'll then progress to more advanced topics, like building machine learning algorithms and integrating them into a web app. The book concludes with a demonstration of how to deploy web apps in prevalent cloud platforms. Web App Development and Real-Time Web Analytics with Python is idea ...
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