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Java eBooks

Learning React Native
Learning React Native

By bringing the advantages of ReactJS to mobile, React Native transforms every web developer into a potential mobile developer. Unlike existing JavaScript-for-mobile approaches, React Native actually renders natively, giving you the speed, look, and feel of a native mobile application. With this practical book, web developers and frontend software engineers will learn how to use native UI elements, platform APIs (such as geolocation and local storage), and platform-specific design patterns to build high-quality mobile applications. This book focuses on iOS-based examples, but you'll leave armed with the principles necessary to use React Native effectively on all mobile platforms. ...
WildFly Cookbook
WildFly Cookbook

With the increasing demand for distributed systems for Java applications, WildFly offers a robust platform on which to deploy and manage your services. As a matter of fact, WildFly 9 is a fully certified Java EE 7 platform and provides remote management tools, such as the redesigned Admin Console and the new and powerful Command Line Interface (CLI). With practical and accessible material, you will begin by learning to set up your WildFly runtime environment, and progress to selecting appropriate operational models, managing subsystems, and conquering the CLI. You will then walk through the different balancing and clustering techniques, simultaneously learning about role-based access control and then developing applications targeting WildFly and Docker. ...
Jasmine Cookbook
Jasmine Cookbook

Jasmine provides a rich set of libraries to design and develop tests for JavaScript applications. Its tests aim to run on any JavaScript-enabled platform and have easy-to-read syntax. This book is a comprehensive guide to designing and developing Jasmine tests to produce world-class software. The recipes are elaborated using examples from a real-world application, which involves various aspects of designing and developing tests from simple to complex level. You will learn how to create tests for jQuery and Ajax, HTML and JSON fixtures, CoffeeScript, and AngularJS. By learning and applying the best practices throughout this book, you can deliver your applications with zero defects and ensure success for you and your clients. ...
Test-Driven Java Development
Test-Driven Java Development

Test-driven development (TDD) is a development approach that relies on a test-first procedure that emphasises writing a test before writing the necessary code, and then refactoring the code to optimize it The value of performing TDD with Java one of the most established programming languages, is to improve the productivity of programmers, the maintainability and performance of code, and develop a deeper understanding of the language and how to employ it effectively. Starting with the basics of TDD and reasons why its adoption is beneficial, this book will take you from the first steps of TDD with Java until you are confident enough to embrace the practice in your day-to-day routine. You'll be guided through setting up tools, frameworks, and the environment you need, and will dive right in to hands-on exercises with the goal of mastering one practice, tool, or framework at a time. You'll learn about the Red-Green-Refactor procedure, how to write unit tests, and ho ...
OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java
OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java

OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java is a practical tutorial guide that explains fundamental tasks from computer vision while focusing on Java development. This book will teach you how to set up OpenCV for Java and handle matrices using the basic operations of image processing such as filtering and image transforms. It will also help you learn how to use Haar cascades for tracking faces and to detect foreground and background regions with the help of a Kinect device. It will even give you insights into server-side OpenCV. Each chapter is presented with several projects that are ready to use. The functionality of these projects is found in many classes that allow developers to understand computer vision principles and rapidly extend or customize the projects for their needs. ...
Beginning NetBeans IDE
Beginning NetBeans IDE

Beginning NetBeans IDE is your authoritative guide for getting started learning and using the free and open source NetBeans IDE. Written by Geertjan Wielenga, who has worked on the NetBeans Team since 2004, it shows you what the IDE is all about and how to use it with real-world case studies built from the ground up as you learn all about the IDE. In this book, you get a tour of the various, essential, and key NetBeans features, including a range of wizards and plug-ins. Then, you start building a more complex Java EE-based application using Maven with the NetBeans IDE. And, you learn how to improve that application by exploring the NetBeans refactoring, testing, debugging, and profiling tools. After reading and using this guide, you'll come away with a working case study and many insights into how to understand and optimally make use of NetBeans IDE. ...
Pro JavaScript Techniques, 2nd Edition
Pro JavaScript Techniques, 2nd Edition

Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for today's web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and teaches you what JavaScript can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at things you already know, but instead concentrates on fundamental, vital topics—what modern JavaScripting is (and isn't), and pitfalls to be wary of. You will learn about the 'this' keyword, as well as new object tools. You will be able to create reusable code with encapsulation, overloading and inheritance. The most recent techniques for debugging and testing are covered comprehensively, with information on Chrome developer tools, Jasmine, PhantomJS and Protractor. This update finishes with chapters on constructing single-page web applications that dominate the modern web. ...
JavaScript Application Design
JavaScript Application Design

The fate of most applications is often sealed before a single line of code has been written. How is that possible? Simply, bad design assures bad results. Good design and effective processes are the foundation on which maintainable applications are built, scaled, and improved. For JavaScript developers, this means discovering the tooling, modern libraries, and architectural patterns that enable those improvements. JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach introduces techniques to improve software quality and development workflow. You'll begin by learning how to establish processes designed to optimize the quality of your work. You'll execute tasks whenever your code changes, run tests on every commit, and deploy in an automated fashion. Then you'll focus on designing modular components and composing them together to build robust applications. ...
Java I/O, NIO and NIO.2
Java I/O, NIO and NIO.2

Java I/O, NIO, and NIO.2 is a power-packed book that accelerates your mastery of Java's various I/O APIs. In this book, you'll learn about classic I/O APIs (File, RandomAccessFile, the stream classes and related types, and the reader/writer classes). Next, you'll learn about NIO's buffer, channel, selector, regular expression, charset, and formatter APIs. Finally, you'll discover NIO.2's offerings in terms of an improved file system interface, asynchronous I/O, and the completion of socket channel functionality. After reading and using thi book, you'll gain the accelerated knowledge and skill level to really build applications with efficient data access, especially for today's cloud computing streaming data needs. ...
JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev
JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev

JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev is your guide to the wild, vast, and untamed frontier that is JavaScript development. The JavaScript tooling landscape has grown and matured drastically in the past several years. This book will serve as an introduction to both new and well established libraries, frameworks, and utilities that have gained popular traction and support from seasoned developers. It covers tools applicable to the entire development stack, both client- and server-side. While no single book can possibly cover every JavaScript library of value, JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev focuses on incredibly useful libraries and frameworks that production software uses. You will be treated to detailed analyses and sample code for tools that manage dependencies, structure code in a modular fashion, automate repetitive build tasks, create specialized servers, structure client side applications, facilitate horizontal scaling, and interacting with disparate data stores ...
Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games
Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games

Build Your Own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games teaches you how to develop your own web-based game engine step-by-step, allowing you to create a wide variety of online videogames that can be played in common web browsers. Chapters include examples and projects that gradually increase in complexity while introducing a ground-up design framework, providing you with the foundational concepts needed to build fun and engaging 2D games. By the end of this book you will have created a complete prototype level for a side scrolling action platform game and will be prepared to begin designing additional levels and games of your own. This book isolates and presents relevant knowledge from software engineering, computer graphics, mathematics, physics, game development, game mechanics, and level design in the context of building a 2D game engine from scratch. The book then derives and analyzes the source code needed to implement these concepts based on HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL. ...
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