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Framework eBooks

Spring 6 Recipes, 5th Edition
Spring 6 Recipes, 5th Edition

This in-depth Spring-based Java developer code reference has been updated and now solves many of your Spring Framework 6 problems using reusable, complete and real-world working code examples. Spring 6 Recipes (5th Edition) now includes Spring Native which speeds up your Java-based Spring Framework built enterprise, native cloud, web applications and microservices. It also has been updated to now include Spring R2DBC for Reactive Relational Database Connectivity, a specification to integrate SQL databases, like PostgreSQL, MySQL and more, using reactive drivers. Furthermore, this book includes additional coverage of WebFlux for more reactive Spring web applications. Reactive programming allows you to build systems that are resilient to high load, especially common in the more complex enterprise, native cloud applications that Spring Framework lets you build. This updated edition also uses code snippets and examples based on newest available standard long term su ...
Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch
Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch

Build production-grade web apps from scratch - without using frameworks - with Kotlin on the Java platform. You'll learn how to use and compose libraries, how to choose between different libraries, and the benefits of explicit and straight-forward code, vs. the implicit magic, conventions, and inversion of control you often see in frameworks. The book teaches the Kotlin language by building production-ready Kotlin code. You'll gain a deep understanding of the idiomatic use of the Kotlin language along with knowledge of how to apply Kotlin in production-grade web apps. The book also bridges the gap between building from scratch and using existing frameworks. For example, you'll learn how to integrate Spring Security-based authentication in web apps written from scratch, so you can leverage existing tooling in your organization without having to take on the entire Spring framework. The first section of the book sets up the base structure of your web app, such as routing, configura ...
Build Your Own Test Framework
Build Your Own Test Framework

Learn to write better automated tests that will dramatically increase your productivity and have fun while doing so. This book is a build-your-own adventure designed for individual reading and for collaborative workshops. You will build an xUnit automated test framework using JavaScript: initially a clone of Jest, but adding a couple of neat features borrowed from RSpec, the genre-defining tool for behavior-driven development (BDD). Along the way, you will explore the philosophy behind automated testing best practices. The automated test runner is one of the most important innovations within software engineering. But for many programmers, automated testing remains a mystery, and knowing how to write good tests is akin to sorcery. As the chapters of this book unfold, you will see how the humble test runner is an elegant and simple piece of software. Each chapter picks a single feature to build, like the "it" function or the "beforeEach" block. It picks apart the theory of ...
Beginning Spring Data
Beginning Spring Data

Use the popular Spring Data project for data access and persistence using various Java-based APIs such as JDBC, JPA, MongoDB, and more. This book shows how to easily incorporate data persistence and accessibility into your microservices, cloud-native applications, and monolithic enterprise applications. It also teaches you how to perform unit and performance testing of a component that accesses a database. And it walks you through an example of each type of SQL and NoSQL database covered. After reading this book, you'll be able to create an application that interacts with one or multiple types of databases, and conduct unit and performance testing to analyze possible problems. ...
Tidy Modeling with R
Tidy Modeling with R

Get going with tidymodels, a collection of R packages for modeling and machine learning. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience with modeling, this practical introduction shows data analysts, business analysts, and data scientists how the tidymodels framework offers a consistent, flexible approach for your work. RStudio engineers Max Kuhn and Julia Silge demonstrate ways to create models by focusing on an R dialect called the tidyverse. Software that adopts tidyverse principles shares both a high-level design philosophy and low-level grammar and data structures, so learning one piece of the ecosystem makes it easier to learn the next. You'll understand why the tidymodels framework has been built to be used by a broad range of people. With this book, you will: Learn the steps necessary to build a model from beginning to end; Understand how to use different modeling and feature engineering approaches fluently; Examine the options for avoiding com ...
The Kubernetes Operator Framework Book
The Kubernetes Operator Framework Book

From incomplete collections of knowledge and varying design approaches to technical knowledge barriers, Kubernetes users face various challenges when developing their own operators. Knowing how to write, deploy, and pack operators makes cluster management automation much easier - and that's what this book is here to teach you. Beginning with operators and Operator Framework fundamentals, the book delves into how the different components of Operator Framework (such as the Operator SDK, Operator Lifecycle Manager, and OperatorHub.io) are used to build operators. You'll learn how to write a basic operator, interact with a Kubernetes cluster in code, and distribute that operator to users. As you advance, you'll be able to develop a sample operator in the Go programming language using Operator SDK tools before running it locally with Operator Lifecycle Manager, and also learn how to package an operator bundle for distribution. The book covers best practices as well as sampl ...
Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python
Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python

Streaming data is the new top technology to watch out for in the field of data science and machine learning. As business needs become more demanding, many use cases require real-time analysis as well as real-time machine learning. This book will help you to get up to speed with data analytics for streaming data and focus strongly on adapting machine learning and other analytics to the case of streaming data. You will first learn about the architecture for streaming and real-time machine learning. Next, you will look at the state-of-the-art frameworks for streaming data like River. Later chapters will focus on various industrial use cases for streaming data like Online Anomaly Detection and others. As you progress, you will discover various challenges and learn how to mitigate them. In addition to this, you will learn best practices that will help you use streaming data to generate real-time insights. By the end of this book, you will have gained the confidence you need to stream ...
Rust Web Development with Rocket
Rust Web Development with Rocket

Looking for a fast, powerful, and intuitive framework to build web applications? This Rust book will help you kickstart your web development journey and take your Rust programming skills to the next level as you uncover the power of Rocket - a fast, flexible, and fun framework powered by Rust. Rust Web Development with Rocket wastes no time in getting you up to speed with what Rust is and how to use it. You'll discover what makes it so productive and reliable, eventually mastering all of the concepts you need to play with the Rocket framework while developing a wide set of web development skills. Throughout this book, you'll be able to walk through a hands-on project, covering everything that goes into making advanced web applications, and get to grips with the ins and outs of Rocket development, including error handling, Rust vectors, and wrappers. You'll also learn how to use synchronous and asynchronous programming to improve application performance and make ...
Introducing Microsoft Orleans
Introducing Microsoft Orleans

Welcome to Orleans, a virtual actor framework from Microsoft that allows a single developer to create immensely scalable, available applications while maintaining a high throughput. This guide is designed to give you a foundational understanding of Orleans, an overview of its implementations, and plenty of hands-on coding experience. Side-by-side monolithic and microservice patterns alongside Orleans' framework features are also discussed, to help readers without an actor model background understand how they can enhance applications. Author Nelson's approach is to introduce patterns as needed for business requirements, including monolithic microservices and to convert monolithic to microservices, in order to keep a microservice from growing into a monolithic application. Orleans is a good choice for either of these scenarios as the next step to build your backend services and reduce unnecessary orchestration, overhead, and tooling. The Orleans framework was d ...
Practical Svelte
Practical Svelte

Learn to leverage the power of Svelte to produce web applications that are efficient and fast. This project-oriented book simplifies creating sites using Svelte from start to finish, with little more than a text editor and familiar languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It equips you with a starting toolset that you can use to develop future projects, incorporate into your existing workflow, and allow you to take your websites to the next level. Practical Svelte is an excellent resource for getting acquainted with creating and manipulating websites or online applications using a component framework approach. It takes the view that we don't have to create something complex and unwieldy. We can build something quickly, using less code than some of its competitors, and extend it using the power of the API and plugins over time, without sacrificing speed or features. You will learn how to use the Svelte framework to rapidly create and deploy websites or online app ...
Building an Effective Data Science Practice
Building an Effective Data Science Practice

Gain a deep understanding of data science and the thought process needed to solve problems in that field using the required techniques, technologies and skills that go into forming an interdisciplinary team. This book will enable you to set up an effective team of engineers, data scientists, analysts, and other stakeholders that can collaborate effectively on crucial aspects such as problem formulation, execution of experiments, and model performance evaluation. You'll start by delving into the fundamentals of data science - classes of data science problems, data science techniques and their applications - and gradually build up to building a professional reference operating model for a data science function in an organization. This operating model covers the roles and skills required in a team, the techniques and technologies they use, and the best practices typically followed in executing data science projects. Building an Effective Data Science Practice provides a common base ...
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