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Apache Hive Essentials
Apache Hive Essentials

In this book, we prepare you for your journey into big data by firstly introducing you to backgrounds in the big data domain along with the process of setting up and getting familiar with your Hive working environment. Next, the book guides you through discovering and transforming the values of big data with the help of examples. It also hones your skill in using the Hive language in an efficient manner. Towards the end, the book focuses on advanced topics such as performance, security, and extensions in Hive, which will guide you on exciting adventures on this worthwhile big data journey. By the end of the book, you will be familiar with Hive and able to work efficiently to find solutions to big data problems. ...
Apache Solr Essentials
Apache Solr Essentials

Search is everywhere. Users always expect a search facility in mobile or web applications that allows them to find things in a fast and friendly manner. Apache Solr Essentials is a fast-paced guide to help you quickly learn the process of creating a scalable, efficient, and powerful search application. The book starts off by explaining the fundamentals of Solr and then goes on to cover various topics such as data indexing, ways of extending Solr, client APIs and their indexing and data searching capabilities, an introduction to the administration, monitoring, and tuning of a Solr instance, as well as the concepts of sharding and replication. Next, you'll learn about various Solr extensions and how to contribute to the Solr community. By the end of this book, you will be able to create excellent search applications with the help of Solr. ...
Apache Solr Search Patterns
Apache Solr Search Patterns

Apache Solr is an open source search platform built on a Java library called Lucene. It serves as a search platform for many websites, as it has the capability of indexing and searching multiple websites to fetch desired results. We begin with a brief introduction of analyzers and tokenizers to understand the challenges associated with implementing large-scale indexing and multilingual search functionality. We then move on to working with custom queries and understanding how filters work internally. While doing so, we also create our own query language or Solr plugin that does proximity searches. Furthermore, we discuss how Solr can be used for real-time analytics and tackle problems faced during its implementation in e-commerce search. We then dive deep into the spatial features such as indexing strategies and search/filtering strategies for a spatial search. We also do an in-depth analysis of problems faced in an ad serving platform and how Solr can be used to solve these p ...
Learning Apache Mahout
Learning Apache Mahout

In the past few years the generation of data and our capability to store and process it has grown exponentially. There is a need for scalable analytics frameworks and people with the right skills to get the information needed from this Big Data. Apache Mahout is one of the first and most prominent Big Data machine learning platforms. It implements machine learning algorithms on top of distributed processing platforms such as Hadoop and Spark. Starting with the basics of Mahout and machine learning, you will explore prominent algorithms and their implementation in Mahout development. You will learn about Mahout building blocks, addressing feature extraction, reduction and the curse of dimensionality, delving into classification use cases with the random forest and Naïve Bayes classifier and item and user-based recommendation. You will then work with clustering Mahout using the K-means algorithm and implement Mahout without MapReduce. Finish with a flourish by exploring end-to ...
Apache Oozie
Apache Oozie

Get a solid grounding in Apache Oozie, the workflow scheduler system for managing Hadoop jobs. With this hands-on guide, two experienced Hadoop practitioners walk you through the intricacies of this powerful and flexible platform, with numerous examples and real-world use cases. Once you set up your Oozie server, you'll dive into techniques for writing and coordinating workflows, and learn how to write complex data pipelines. Advanced topics show you how to handle shared libraries in Oozie, as well as how to implement and manage Oozie's security capabilities. ...
Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, 3rd Edition
Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, 3rd Edition

Solr is a widely popular open source enterprise search server that delivers powerful search and faceted navigation features—features that are elusive with databases. Solr supports complex search criteria, faceting, result highlighting, query-completion, query spell-checking, relevancy tuning, geospatial searches, and much more. This book is a comprehensive resource for just about everything Solr has to offer, and it will take you from first exposure to development and deployment in no time. Even if you wish to use Solr 5, you should find the information to be just as applicable due to Solr's high regard for backward compatibility. The book includes some useful information specific to Solr 5. ...
Apache Mahout Essentials
Apache Mahout Essentials

Apache Mahout is a scalable machine learning library with algorithms for clustering, classification, and recommendations. It empowers users to analyze patterns in large, diverse, and complex datasets faster and more scalably. This book is an all-inclusive guide to analyzing large and complex datasets using Apache Mahout. It explains complicated but very effective machine learning algorithms simply, in relation to real-world practical examples. Starting from the fundamental concepts of machine learning and Apache Mahout, this book guides you through Apache Mahout's implementations of machine learning techniques including classification, clustering, and recommendations. During this exciting walkthrough, real-world applications, a diverse range of popular algorithms and their implementations, code examples, evaluation strategies, and best practices are given for each technique. Finally, you will learn vdata visualization techniques for Apache Mahou ...
Apache Mesos Essentials
Apache Mesos Essentials

Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. It allows developers to concurrently run the likes of Hadoop, Spark, Storm, and other applications on a dynamically shared pool of nodes. With Mesos, you have the power to manage a wide range of resources in a multi-tenant environment. Starting with the basics, this book will give you an insight into all the features that Mesos has to offer. You will first learn how to set up Mesos in various environments from data centers to the cloud. You will then learn how to implement self-managed Platform as a Service environment with Mesos using various service schedulers, such as Chronos, Aurora, and Marathon. You will then delve into the depths of Mesos fundamentals and learn how to build distributed applications using Mesos primitives. ...
Mastering Apache Spark
Mastering Apache Spark

Apache Spark is an in-memory cluster based parallel processing system that provides a wide range of functionality like graph processing, machine learning, stream processing and SQL. It operates at unprecedented speeds, is easy to use and offers a rich set of data transformations. This book aims to take your limited knowledge of Spark to the next level by teaching you how to expand Spark functionality. The book commences with an overview of the Spark eco-system. You will learn how to use MLlib to create a fully working neural net for handwriting recognition. You will then discover how stream processing can be tuned for optimal performance and to ensure parallel processing. The book extends to show how to incorporate H20 for machine learning, Titan for graph based storage, Databricks for cloud-based Spark. Intermediate Scala based code examples are provided for Apache Spark module processing in a CentOS Linux and Databricks cloud environment. ...
Learning Apache Thrift
Learning Apache Thrift

With modern software systems being increasingly complex, providing a scalable communication architecture for applications in different languages is tedious. The Apache Thrift framework is the solution to this problem! It helps build efficient and easy-to-maintain services and offers a plethora of options matching your application type by supporting several popular programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml, and Delphi. This book will help you set aside the basics of service-oriented systems through your first Apache Thrift-powered app. Then, progressing to more complex examples, it will provide you with tips for running large-scale applications in production environments. ...
Maven Essentials
Maven Essentials

Maven is the #1 build tool used by developers and it has been around for more than a decade. Maven stands out among other build tools due to its extremely extensible architecture, which is built on of the concept of convention over configuration. It's widely used by many open source Java projects under Apache Software Foundation, Sourceforge, Google Code, and more. Maven Essentials is a fast-paced guide to show you the key concepts in Maven and build automation. We get started by introducing you to Maven and exploring its core concepts and architecture. Next, you will learn about and write a Project Object Model (POM) while creating your own Maven project. You will also find out how to create custom archetypes and plugins to establish the most common goals in build automation. After this, you'll get to know how to design the build to prevent any maintenance nightmares, with proper dependency management. We then explore Maven build lifecycles and Maven assemblies. Finally, you ...
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