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Clean Code in PHP
Clean Code in PHP

PHP is a beginner-friendly language, but also one that is rife with complaints of bad code,;yet no clean code books are specific to PHP. Enter Clean Code in PHP. This book is a one-stop guide to learning the theory and best practices of clean code specific to real-world PHP app development environments. This PHP book is cleanly split to help you navigate through coding practices and theories to understand and adopt the nuances of the clean code paradigm. In addition to covering best practices, tooling for code quality, and PHP design patterns, this book also presents tips and techniques for working on large-scale PHP apps with a team and writing effective documentation for your PHP projects. By the end of this book, you'll be able to write human-friendly PHP code, which will fuel your PHP career growth and set you apart from the competition. ...
Regular Expression Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
Regular Expression Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition

This handy little book offers programmers a complete overview of the syntax and semantics of regular expressions that are at the heart of every text-processing application. Ideal as a quick reference, Regular Expression Pocket Reference covers the regular expression APIs for Perl 5.8, Ruby (including some upcoming 1.9 features), Java, PHP, .NET and C#, Python, vi, JavaScript, and the PCRE regular expression libraries. ...
Learning PHP 5
Learning PHP 5

PHP has gained a following among non-technical web designers who need to add interactive aspects to their sites. Offering a gentle learning curve, PHP is an accessible yet powerful language for creating dynamic web pages. As its popularity has grown, PHP's basic feature set has become increasingly more sophisticated. Now PHP 5 boasts advanced features - such as new object-oriented capabilities and support for XML and Web Services - that will please even the most experienced web professionals while still remaining user-friendly enough for those with a lower tolerance for technical jargon. If you've wanted to try your hand at PHP but haven't known where to start, then Learning PHP 5 is the book you need. If you've wanted to try your hand at PHP but haven't known where to start, then Learning PHP 5 is the book you need. With attention to both PHP 4 and the new PHP version 5, it provides everything from a explanation of how PHP works with your web server and web browser to the ins and o ...
Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins
Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins

Today's web applications require frequent updates, not just by adding or upgrading features, but by maintaining and improving the software’s existing code base as well. This concise book shows PHP developers how to use Jenkins, the popular continuous integration server, to monitor various aspects of software quality throughout a project’s lifecycle. You'll learn how to implement continuous integration to automate processes for building and deploying regular software releases. The book also shows you how to use Jenkins to monitor and improve your application through continuous inspection. You'll come to understand why reducing complexity and eliminating duplicate code is just as important as introducing new functionality. ...
PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual
PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual

If you can build websites with CSS and JavaScript, this book takes you to the next level-creating dynamic, database-driven websites with PHP and MySQL. Learn how to build a database, manage your content, and interact with users through queries and web forms. With step-by-step tutorials, real-world examples, and jargon-free explanations, you’ll soon discover the power of server-side programming. ...
MongoDB and PHP
MongoDB and PHP

What would happen if you optimized a data store for the operations application developers actually use? You'd arrive at MongoDB, the reliable document-oriented database. With this concise guide, you'll learn how to build elegant database applications with MongoDB and PHP. Written by the Chief Solutions Architect at 10gen - the company that develops and supports this open source database - this book takes you through MongoDB basics such as queries, read-write operations, and administration, and then dives into MapReduce, sharding, and other advanced topics. Get out of the relational database rut, and take advantage of a high-performing system optimized for operations and scale. ...
Beginning PHP 5.3
Beginning PHP 5.3

As one of the most popular open-source web-programming languages in use today, PHP is an ideal server-side scripting language that connects HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. It allows you to create anything from a simple form-to-email script to a web forum application, a blogging platform, or a content management system. This guide introduces the PHP language and shows how to write powerful web applications using PHP. ...
Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework
Building PHP Applications with Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework

Although it's relatively easy to learn how to use a single PHP framework to produce dynamic web pages, it's not easy to decide which of the three major web application frameworks will best suit your needs. To that end, this resource offers you an unbiased, in-depth comparison of the three most popular open source frameworks: Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework. The authors present a detailed examination of the similarities and differences of the three frameworks, providing similar examples and tasks for each framework so that you can decide for yourself which framework is right for you. ...
PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer
PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer

Assuming no previous experience with PHP or MySQL, this book is ideal reading for anyone who wants to go beyond HTML / CSS in order to provide clients with the most dynamic web sites possible. The approachable tone breaks down the basics of programming and PHP and MySQL in individual lessons starting with the installation of the programs necessary to run PHP. You begin with a static web site and then watch and learn as PHP functionality is added as you work through the lessons. ...
Real-World Solutions for Developing High-Quality PHP Frameworks and Applications
Real-World Solutions for Developing High-Quality PHP Frameworks and Applications

Learn to develop high-quality applications and frameworks in PHP Packed with in-depth information and step-by-step guidance, this book escorts you through the process of creating, maintaining and extending sustainable software of high quality with PHP. World-renowned PHP experts present real-world case studies for developing high-quality applications and frameworks in PHP that can easily be adapted to changing business requirements. They offer different approaches to solving typical development and quality assurance problems that every developer needs to know and master. - Details the process for creating high-quality PHP frameworks and applications that can easily be adapted to changing business requirements. - Covers the planning, execution, and automation of tests for the different layers and tiers of a Web application. - Demonstrates how to establish a successful development process. - Shares real-world case studies from well-known companies and their PHP experts. ...
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