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MongoDB and Python
MongoDB and Python

Learn how to leverage MongoDB with your Python applications, using the hands-on recipes in this book. You get complete code samples for tasks such as making fast geo queries for location-based apps, efficiently indexing your user documents for social-graph lookups, and many other scenarios. This guide explains the basics of the document-oriented database and shows you how to set up a Python environment with it. Learn how to read and write to MongoDB, apply idiomatic MongoDB and Python patterns, and use the database with several popular Python web frameworks. You'll discover how to model your data, write effective queries, and avoid concurrency problems such as race conditions and deadlocks. ...
MongoDB and PHP
MongoDB and PHP

What would happen if you optimized a data store for the operations application developers actually use? You'd arrive at MongoDB, the reliable document-oriented database. With this concise guide, you'll learn how to build elegant database applications with MongoDB and PHP. Written by the Chief Solutions Architect at 10gen - the company that develops and supports this open source database - this book takes you through MongoDB basics such as queries, read-write operations, and administration, and then dives into MapReduce, sharding, and other advanced topics. Get out of the relational database rut, and take advantage of a high-performing system optimized for operations and scale. ...
MongoDB in Action
MongoDB in Action

MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples for leveraging MongoDB in e-commerce, social networking, analytics, and other common applications. MongoDB in Action introduces you to MongoDB and the document-oriented database model. This perfectly paced book provides both the big picture you'll need as a developer and enough low-level detail to satisfy a system engineer. Numerous examples will help you develop confidence in the crucial area of data modeling. You'll also love the deep explanations of each feature, including replication, auto-sharding, and deployment. ...
MongoDB: The Definitive Guide
MongoDB: The Definitive Guide

How does MongoDB help you manage a huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application? With this authoritative introduction, you'll learn the many advantages of using document-oriented databases, and discover why MongoDB is a reliable, high-performance system that allows for almost infinite horizontal scalability. Written by engineers from 10gen, the company that develops and supports this open source database, MongoDB: The Definitive Guide provides guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and an overview of the concepts and use cases for other people on your project. Learn how easy it is to handle data as self-contained JSON-style documents, rather than as records in a relational database. ...
Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone
Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone

Build an application from backend to browser with Node.js, and kick open the doors to real-time event programming. With this hands-on book, you'll learn how to create a social network application similar to LinkedIn and Facebook, but with a real-time twist. And you'll build it with just one programming language: JavaScript. If you're an experienced web developer unfamiliar with JavaScript, the book's first section introduces you to the project's core technologies: Node.js, Backbone.js, and the MongoDB data store. You'll then launch into the project - a highly responsive, highly scalable application - guided by clear explanations and lots of code examples. ...
MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition

Manage the huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application with MongoDB. This authoritative introduction—written by a core contributor to the project—shows you the many advantages of using document-oriented databases, and demonstrates how this reliable, high-performance system allows for almost infinite horizontal scalability. This updated second edition provides guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and an overview of the concepts and use cases for other people on your project. Ideal for NoSQL newcomers and experienced MongoDB users alike, this guide provides numerous real-world schema design examples. ...
PHP and MongoDB Web Development
PHP and MongoDB Web Development

Learn to build PHP-powered dynamic web applications using MongoDB as the data backend. Handle user sessions, store real-time site analytics, build location-aware web apps, and much more, all using MongoDB and PHP. Full of step-by-step instructions and practical examples, along with challenges to test and improve your knowledge. ...
Mongoose for Application Development
Mongoose for Application Development

Mongoose is all about putting the data model where it should be: in your application. You can control everything from within your application in JavaScript, eliminating the need to work with the database or a separate management system. Mongoose for Application Development is a practical, hands-on guide that takes you from installing the technology stack through the steps of developing a web application. It covers the key features of Mongoose and how to use them to rapidly develop a Node.js and MongoDB application. This book introduces the full technology stack of Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and Mongoose. It will take you through the process of building an application on this stack with a focus on how Mongoose makes the process quicker and easier. ...
MongoDB Applied Design Patterns
MongoDB Applied Design Patterns

Whether you're building a social media site or an internal-use enterprise application, this hands-on guide shows you the connection between MongoDB and the business problems it's designed to solve. You'll learn how to apply MongoDB design patterns to several challenging domains, such as ecommerce, content management, and online gaming. Using Python and JavaScript code examples, you'll discover how MongoDB lets you scale your data model while simplifying the development process. Many businesses launch NoSQL databases without understanding the techniques for using their features most effectively. ...
Ruby and MongoDB Web Development
Ruby and MongoDB Web Development

Step-by-step instructions and practical examples to creating web applications with Ruby and MongoDB. Learn to design the object model in a NoSQL way. Create objects in Ruby and map them to MongoDB. Learn about Mongoid and MongoMapper for mapping Ruby objects to MongoDB documents. Process large datasets with MapReduce. Create geo-spatial indexes or 2D indexes. ...
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