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Juniper QFX5100 Series
Juniper QFX5100 Series

Ideal for network engineers involved in building a data center, this practical guide provides a comprehensive and technical deep-dive into the new Juniper QFX5100 switching family. You'll learn how the Juniper QFX5100 enables you to create simple-to-use data centers or build some of the largest IP Fabrics in the world. This book is chock-full of helpful technical illustrations and code examples to help you get started on all of the major architectures and features of Juniper QFX5100 switches, whether you're an enterprise or service provider. With this book, you'll be well on your way to becoming a Juniper QFX5100 expert. ...
Java in a Nutshell, 6th Edition
Java in a Nutshell, 6th Edition

The latest edition of Java in a Nutshell is designed to help experienced Java programmers get the most out of Java 7 and 8, but it's also a learning path for new developers. Chock full of examples that demonstrate how to take complete advantage of modern Java APIs and development best practices, the first section of this thoroughly updated book provides a fast-paced, no-fluff introduction to the Java programming language and the core runtime aspects of the Java platform. The second section is a reference to core concepts and APIs that shows you how to perform real programming work in the Java environment. ...
Think Stats, 2nd Edition
Think Stats, 2nd Edition

If you know how to program, you have the skills to turn data into knowledge, using tools of probability and statistics. This concise introduction shows you how to perform statistical analysis computationally, rather than mathematically, with programs written in Python. By working with a single case study throughout this thoroughly revised book, you'll learn the entire process of exploratory data analysis—from collecting data and generating statistics to identifying patterns and testing hypotheses. You'll explore distributions, rules of probability, visualization, and many other tools and concepts. ...
Hands-On Programming with R
Hands-On Programming with R

Learn how to program by diving into the R language, and then use your newfound skills to solve practical data science problems. With this book, you'll learn how to load data, assemble and disassemble data objects, navigate R's environment system, write your own functions, and use all of R's programming tools. RStudio Master Instructor Garrett Grolemund not only teaches you how to program, but also shows you how to get more from R than just visualizing and modeling data. You'll gain valuable programming skills and support your work as a data scientist at the same time. ...
Becoming a Better Programmer
Becoming a Better Programmer

If you're passionate about programming and want to get better at it, you've come to the right source. Code Craft author Pete Goodliffe presents a collection of useful techniques and approaches to the art and craft of programming that will help boost your career and your well-being. Goodliffe presents sound advice that he's learned in 15 years of professional programming. The book's standalone chapters span the range of a software developer's life - dealing with code, learning the trade, and improving performance - with no language or industry bias. ...
21st Century C, 2nd Edition
21st Century C, 2nd Edition

Throw out your old ideas about C and get to know a programming language that's substantially outgrown its origins. With this revised edition of 21st Century C, you'll discover up-to-date techniques missing from other C tutorials, whether you're new to the language or just getting reacquainted. C isn't just the foundation of modern programming languages; it is a modern language, ideal for writing efficient, state-of-the-art applications. Get past idioms that made sense on mainframes and learn the tools you need to work with this evolved and aggressively simple language. No matter what programming language you currently favor, you'll quickly see that 21st century C rocks. ...
OpenStack Swift
OpenStack Swift

Get up and running with OpenStack Swift, the free, open source solution for deploying high-performance object storage clusters at scale. In this practical guide, Joe Arnold, co-founder and CEO of SwiftStack, brings you up-to-speed on the basic concepts of object storage and walks you through what you need to know to plan, build, operate, and measure the performance of your own Swift storage system. Object storage is essential today with the growth of web, mobile, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. This book helps you through the process, with separate sections on application development, installation, administration, and troubleshooting. ...
AngularJS: Up and Running
AngularJS: Up and Running

If want to get started with AngularJS, either as a side project, an additional tool, or for your main work, this practical guide teaches you how to use this meta-framework step-by-step, from the basics to advanced concepts. By the end of the book, you'll understand how to develop a large, maintainable, and performant application with AngularJS. Guided by two engineers who worked on AngularJS at Google, you'll learn the components needed to build data-driven applications, using declarative programming and the Model–view–controller pattern. You'll also learn how to conduct unit tests on each part of your application. ...
Data Science at the Command Line
Data Science at the Command Line

This hands-on guide demonstrates how the flexibility of the command line can help you become a more efficient and productive data scientist. You'll learn how to combine small, yet powerful, command-line tools to quickly obtain, scrub, explore, and model your data. To get you started - whether you're on Windows, OS X, or Linux - author Jeroen Janssens introduces the Data Science Toolbox, an easy-to-install virtual environment packed with over 80 command-line tools. Discover why the command line is an agile, scalable, and extensible technology. Even if you're already comfortable processing data with, say, Python or R, you'll greatly improve your data science workflow by also leveraging the power of the command line. ...
Building Applications with iBeacon
Building Applications with iBeacon

High-precision location information is increasingly useful for mobile application developers, since it allows devices to interact with the world around them. This practical book shows you how to achieve arm's reach accuracy with iBeacons, simple transmitters that enable your applications to react to nearby surroundings and then deliver timely, relevant information—especially indoors, where GPS and cell service are inaccurate. Whether you're enabling a map, giving users directions, creating a game, recommending purchases, letting users check in, or creating an immersive experience, you'll learn how iBeacons provide precise location information, empowering your applications to engage and interact with users nearby. ...
Introducing Elixir
Introducing Elixir

Elixir is an excellent language if you want to learn about functional programming, and with this hands-on introduction, you'll discover just how powerful and fun Elixir can be. This language combines the robust functional programming of Erlang with a syntax similar to Ruby, and includes powerful features for metaprogramming. This book shows you how to write simple Elixir programs by teaching one skill at a time. Once you pick up pattern matching, process-oriented programming, and other concepts, you'll understand why Elixir makes it easier to build concurrent and resilient programs that scale up and down with ease. ...
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