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Data Science with Java
Data Science with Java

Data Science is booming thanks to R and Python, but Java brings the robustness, convenience, and ability to scale critical to today's data science applications. With this practical book, Java software engineers looking to add data science skills will take a logical journey through the data science pipeline. Author Michael Brzustowicz explains the basic math theory behind each step of the data science process, as well as how to apply these concepts with Java. You'll learn the critical roles that data IO, linear algebra, statistics, data operations, learning and prediction, and Hadoop MapReduce play in the process. Throughout this book, you'll find code examples you can use in your applications. Examine methods for obtaining, cleaning, and arranging data into its purest form;Understand the matrix structure that your data should take;Learn basic concepts for testing the origin and validity of data;Transform your data into stable and usable numerical val ...
Applied Akka Patterns
Applied Akka Patterns

When it comes to big data processing, we can no longer ignore concurrency or try to add it in after the fact. Fortunately, the solution is not a new paradigm of development, but rather an old one. With this hands-on guide, Java and Scala developers will learn how to embrace concurrent and distributed applications with the open source Akka toolkit. You'll learn how to put the actor model and its associated patterns to immediate and practical use. Throughout the book, you'll deal with an analogous workforce problem: how to schedule a group of people across a variety of projects while optimizing their time and skillsets. This example will help you understand how Akka uses actors, streams, and other tools to stitch your application together.Model software that reflects the real world with domain-driven design;Learn principles and practices for implementing individual actors;Unlock the real potential of Akka with patterns for combining multiple actors;Und ...
Mobile Game Development with Unity
Mobile Game Development with Unity

Do you want to build mobile games, but lack game development experience? No problem. This practical guide shows you how to create beautiful, interactive content for iOS and Android devices with the Unity game engine. Authors Jon Manning and Paris Buttfield-Addison (iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook) provide a top-to-bottom overview of Unity's features with specific, project-oriented guidance on how to use them in real game situations. Over the course of this book, you'll learn hands-on how to build 2D and 3D games from scratch that will hook and delight players. If you have basic programming skills, you're ready to get started. Explore the basics of Unity, and learn how to structure games, graphics, scripting, sounds, physics, and particle systems; Use 2D graphics and physics features to build a side-scrolling action game; Create a 3D space combat simulator with projectile shooting and respawning objects, and learn how to manage the appearance of 3D models; Dive into Unity's ad ...
Mobile App Development with Ionic, Revised Edition
Mobile App Development with Ionic, Revised Edition

Learn how to build app store-ready hybrid apps with Ionic, the framework built on top of Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) and Angular. This revised guide shows you how to use Ionic's tools and services to develop apps with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, rather than rely on platform-specific solutions found in Android, iOS, and Windows Universal. Author Chris Griffith takes you step-by-step through Ionic's powerful collection of UI components, and then helps you use it to build three cross-platform mobile apps. Whether you're new to this framework or have been working with Ionic 1, this book is ideal for beginning, intermediate, and advanced web developers. Understand what a hybrid mobile app is, and what comprises a basic Ionic application; Learn how Ionic leverages Apache Cordova, Angular, and TypeScript to create native mobile applications; Create a Firebase-enabled to-do application that stores data across multiple clients; Build a tab-based National Park explorer app with Googl ...
Modern Java Recipes
Modern Java Recipes

The introduction of functional programming concepts in Java SE 8 was a drastic change for this venerable object-oriented language. Lambda expressions, method references, and streams fundamentally changed the idioms of the language, and many developers have been trying to catch up ever since. This cookbook will help. With more than 70 detailed recipes, author Ken Kousen shows you how to use the newest features of Java to solve a wide range of problems. For developers comfortable with previous Java versions, this guide covers nearly all of Java SE 8, and includes a chapter focused on changes coming in Java 9. Need to understand how functional idioms will change the way you write code? This cookbook - chock full of use cases - is for you. Recipes cover: The basics of lambda expressions and method references; Interfaces in the java.util.function package; Stream operations for transforming and filtering data; Comparators and Collectors for sorting and converting streaming data; Combining ...
Cloud Native Java
Cloud Native Java

What separates the traditional enterprise from the likes of Amazon, Netflix, and Etsy? Those companies have refined the art of cloud native development to maintain their competitive edge and stay well ahead of the competition. This practical guide shows Java/JVM developers how to build better software, faster, using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry. Many organizations have already waded into cloud computing, test-driven development, microservices, and continuous integration and delivery. Authors Josh Long and Kenny Bastani fully immerse you in the tools and methodologies that will help you transform your legacy application into one that is genuinely cloud native. In four sections, this book takes you through: The Basics: learn the motivations behind cloud native thinking; configure and test a Spring Boot application; and move your legacy application to the cloud; Web Services: build HTTP and RESTful services with Spring; route requests in your distributed system; and ...
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, 2nd Edition
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, 2nd Edition

Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the web—even if you have little or no experience with data visualization or web development. It's inspiring and fun with this friendly, accessible, and practical hands-on introduction. This fully updated and expanded second edition takes you through the fundamental concepts and methods of D3, the most powerful JavaScript library for expressing data visually in a web browser. Ideal for designers with no coding experience, reporters exploring data journalism, and anyone who wants to visualize and share data, this step-by-step guide will also help you expand your web programming skills by teaching you the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. Learn D3 4.x—the latest D3 version—with downloadable code and over 140 examples; Create bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, stacked bar charts, and force-directed graphs; Use smooth, animated transitions to show changes in your data; Introduce interactivity to h ...
Test-Driven Development with Python, 2nd Edition
Test-Driven Development with Python, 2nd Edition

By taking you through the development of a real web application from beginning to end, the second edition of this hands-on guide demonstrates the practical advantages of test-driven development (TDD) with Python. You'll learn how to write and run tests before building each part of your app, and then develop the minimum amount of code required to pass those tests. The result? Clean code that works. In the process, you'll learn the basics of Django, Selenium, Git, jQuery, and Mock, along with current web development techniques. If you're ready to take your Python skills to the next level, this book—updated for Python 3.6—clearly demonstrates how TDD encourages simple designs and inspires confidence. Dive into the TDD workflow, including the unit test/code cycle and refactoring; Use unit tests for classes and functions, and functional tests for user interactions within the browser; Learn when and how to use mock objects, and the pros and cons of isolated vs. integrated tests; Te ...
Elegant SciPy
Elegant SciPy

Welcome to Scientific Python and its community. If you're a scientist who programs with Python, this practical guide not only teaches you the fundamental parts of SciPy and libraries related to it, but also gives you a taste for beautiful, easy-to-read code that you can use in practice. You'll learn how to write elegant code that's clear, concise, and efficient at executing the task at hand. Throughout the book, you'll work with examples from the wider scientific Python ecosystem, using code that illustrates principles outlined in the book. Using actual scientific data, you'll work on real-world problems with SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, scikit-image, and other Python libraries. Explore the NumPy array, the data structure that underlies numerical scientific computation; Use quantile normalization to ensure that measurements fit a specific distribution; Represent separate regions in an image with a Region Adjacency Graph; Convert temporal or spatial data into frequency domain data with t ...
Intelligence-Driven Incident Response
Intelligence-Driven Incident Response

Using a well-conceived incident response plan in the aftermath of an online security breach enables your team to identify attackers and learn how they operate. But, only when you approach incident response with a cyber threat intelligence mindset will you truly understand the value of that information. With this practical guide, you'll learn the fundamentals of intelligence analysis, as well as the best ways to incorporate these techniques into your incident response process. Each method reinforces the other: threat intelligence supports and augments incident response, while incident response generates useful threat intelligence. This book helps incident managers, malware analysts, reverse engineers, digital forensics specialists, and intelligence analysts understand, implement, and benefit from this relationship. In three parts, this in-depth book includes:The fundamentals: get an introduction to cyber threat intelligence, the intelligence process, the incident-response proc ...
Learning FPGAs
Learning FPGAs

Learn how to design digital circuits with FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays), the devices that reconfigure themselves to become the very hardware circuits you set out to program. With this practical guide, author Justin Rajewski shows you hands-on how to create FPGA projects, whether you're a programmer, engineer, product designer, or maker. You'll quickly go from the basics to designing your own processor. Designing digital circuits used to be a long and costly endeavor that only big companies could pursue. FPGAs make the process much easier, and now they're affordable enough even for hobbyists. If you're familiar with electricity and basic electrical components, this book starts simply and progresses through increasingly complex projects. Set up your environment by installing Xilinx ISE and the author's Mojo IDE; Learn how hardware designs are broken into modules, comparable to functions in a software program; Create digital hardware designs and learn the basics on how they ...
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