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The Pragmatic Programmers

Take My Money
Take My Money

An e-commerce payment application is literally rewarding to build - you can see the return on investment as genuine money is added to your account. But it can be stressful to manage, with security and compliance concerns and administration issues. And your entire business may depend on these features working smoothly. Let Noel Rappin guide you through the setup and complications of dealing with online financial transactions. Go beyond just the interaction with the gateway service and build an application using Ruby and Rails that will be robust and useful over time. Set up a Stripe and PayPal payment gateway and accept credit card payments. Use the Stripe API to improve security by validating credit card data without sending it through your own server. Design your application for maximum flexibility against the inevitable complexities of business logic, including handling discounts. Manage the multiple failure points of dealing with payment gateways and test for failure cases. Us ...
tmux 2
tmux 2

You have a database console, web server, test runner, and text editor running at the same time, but switching between them and trying to find what you need takes up valuable time and breaks your concentration. By using tmux 2.3, you can improve your productivity and regain your focus. This book will show you how. This second edition includes many features requested by readers, including how to integrate plugins into your workflow, how to integrate tmux with Vim for seamless navigation - oh, and how to use tmux on Windows 10. Use tmux to manage multiple terminal sessions in a single window using only your keyboard. Manage and run programs side by side in panes, and create the perfect development environment with custom scripts so that when you're ready to work, your programs are waiting for you. Manipulate text with tmux's copy and paste buffers, so you can move text around freely between applications. Discover how easy it is to use tmux to collaborate remotely with others, and ex ...
Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap
Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap

As a Rails developer, you care about user experience and performance, but you also want simple and maintainable code. Achieve all that by embracing the full stack of web development, from styling with Bootstrap, building an interactive user interface with AngularJS, to storing data quickly and reliably in PostgreSQL. Take a holistic view of full-stack development to create usable, high-performing applications, and learn to use these technologies effectively in a Ruby on Rails environment. ...
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Software development happens in your head. Not in an editor, IDE, or design tool. You're well educated on how to work with software and hardware, but what about wetware our own brains? Learning new skills and new technology is critical to your career, and it's all in your head. In this book by Andy Hunt, you'll learn how our brains are wired, and how to take advantage of your brain's architecture. You'll learn new tricks and tips to learn more, faster, and retain more of what you learn. You need a pragmatic approach to thinking and learning. You need to Refactor Your Wetware. ...
Web Design for Developers
Web Design for Developers

Web Design for Developers will show you how to make your web-based application look professionally designed. We'll help you learn how to pick the right colors and fonts, avoid costly interface and accessibility mistakes your application will really come alive. We'll also walk you through some common Photoshop and CSS techniques and work through a web site redesign, taking a new design from concept all the way to implementation. ...
Programming Ruby 1.9, 3rd Edition
Programming Ruby 1.9, 3rd Edition

Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox. This book is the only complete reference for Ruby 1.9, the very latest version of Ruby. (If you are still using Ruby 1.8, you'll want to check out the original PickAxe.) ...
Programming Your Home
Programming Your Home

Open locked doors using your smartphone. Assemble a bird feeder that posts Twitter tweets to tell you when the birds are feeding or when bird seed runs low. Have your home speak to you when you receive email, notify you when visitors arrive, and more. You'll learn how to use Android smartphones, Arduinos, X10 controllers and a wide array of sensors, servos, programming languages, web frameworks, and mobile SDKs. Programming Your Home is written for smartphone programmers, web developers, technology tinkerers, and anyone who enjoys building cutting-edge, do-it-yourself electronic projects. This book will give you the inspiration and understanding to construct amazing automation capabilities that will transform your residence into the smartest home in your neighborhood! ...
Manage It!
Manage It!

This book is a reality - based guide for modern projects. You'll learn how to recognize your project's potholes and ruts, and determine the best way to fix problems - without causing more problems. ...
Agile Web Development with Rails, 4th Edition
Agile Web Development with Rails, 4th Edition

Rails just keeps on changing. Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9 bring hundreds of improvements, including new APIs and substantial performance enhancements. The fourth edition of this award-winning classic has been reorganized and refocused so it's more useful than ever before for developers new to Ruby and Rails. Rails 3 is a major release the changes aren't just incremental, but structural. So we decided to follow suit. This book isn't just a mild reworking of the previous edition to make it run with the new Rails. Instead, it's a complete refactoring. You'll still find the Depot example at the front, but you'll also find testing knitted right in. Gone are the long reference chapters that's what the web does best. Instead you'll find more targeted information on all the aspects of Rails that you'll need to be a successful Web developer. ...
Web Development Recipes
Web Development Recipes

Modern web development takes more than just HTML and CSS with a little JavaScript mixed in. Clients want more responsive sites with faster interfaces that work on multiple devices, and you need the latest tools and techniques to make that happen. This book gives you more than 40 concise, tried-and-true solutions to today's web development problems, and introduces new workflows that will expand your skillset. Make buttons and content stand out with simple cross-browser styles; do animations that work on mobile devices without plugins; build and test HTML emails; and build a flexible layout that works on desktops and mobile devices. You'll use the Backbone and Knockout JavaScript frameworks to build responsive user interfaces, and you'll learn how tools like CoffeeScript and Sass offer better ways to develop and maintain your client-side code. You'll write tests for your code that run in multiple web browsers, use Git to keep track of your work, and even get a little one-on-one time w ...
Agile Web Development with Rails, 3rd Edition
Agile Web Development with Rails, 3rd Edition

Rails just keeps on changing. Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9 bring hundreds of improvements, including new APIs and substantial performance enhancements. The fourth edition of this award-winning classic has been reorganized and refocused so it's more useful than ever before for developers new to Ruby and Rails. ...
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